Yes, I stopped watching Woody Allen when it turned out he was a pedophile, maybe that's just me.

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I make over $99K, but if it's based off double that since we're still married, then we'd be eligible. I just haven't paid enough attention to know exactly what's happening.

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He was kind of a big deal in the 90s.

I know this because I had friends who were fans of his.

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Oh damn! That really really stinks. :( Also: Now I crave blue crab.

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They are not like us. Once my company paid for a luncheon. Not me, I just had the card, so my job. When the bill came I took it, of course. Then they started tossing $20 bills at me. I told them it was paid for. No matter.I made like $200 cash ! And this was when $200 was $200 !

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Any day that ends in 'y'? Yesterday would qualify for me, what with the 'evil New York nurses stealing masks' bit. ----Seriously, I'm wondering on which day he doesn't come out to the PRfest, and they cover it up with "The President is busy working on important matters", which goes on for a week "He's really busy working and can't come out and can't take time to speak with the press today."

No human is immune to a novel virus, not even a stable genius. History shows that kings are just as vulnerable as peasants.

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Okay, the splainer dude's an idiot, seeing as you have to list the names and SS# of all those you claim as a dependent, child or adult, why is it any harder to just send money to those who filed and all those listed as dependents?

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I got a phone call from the power company a few years back. They sent a meter reader out to see if I was jacking the power line; nope, it was functioning, and they wanted to know why my electric bill was tanking. I started laughing, and said, "My son moved out."

I was surprised to see my weekly grocery bill drop to a third of what I'd been spending after he left. All things being equal, an eighteen-year-old does not cost less to feed than an eight-year-old. And two teenagers eat about four times as much, because friends.

Now that I think about it, when the kids left, the friends still kept coming around. And they were still hungry.

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EAT THE RICH. that is all.

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I couldn't watch it all the way through. Between my own experience of divorce (and that movie didn't show the reality--which is that most often the woman can't afford a decent lawyer) and the serious "I'm trying to be Woody Allen" vibes from the script and direction...ick.

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Also getting screwed over by the GOP in the stimulus bill: mom-and-pop restaurants.

An earlier version of the legislation had reserved the whole pot for independently owned small businesses, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) slid in the provision allowing restaurant and hotel chains could qualify. So a pot of money that was supposed to support more than 30 million small businesses and their nearly 60 million employees—which, by the way, is almost half of the entire US workforce—will now be split with companies like McDonalds, which took in a record $100 billion in sales and returned more than $8 billion to shareholders through stock buybacks and dividends last year.


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Don’t know how to say it any clearer - this was once OUR money to fucking begin with. It ain’t coming out of Steve Mnuchin’s pocket, nor Cheeto’s now-banned ‘charity’. We paid in. They fucked up. Now, we’re paying them for the privilege of having them squander our future, and much of what is being returned to us is being confiscated by the beneficiaries of the tax cut that put generations unborn into hock. The ‘tea party’ movement of decades ago had the concept right, but defended the wrong side of the issue, mistakenly identifying with their oppressors, just as they do with Cheeto. They think they are him/them, when all along, they have been us. This will never be resolved, as you might be able to fix ‘stupid’, but-like our Corona - there is no cure for ‘willfully ignorant’. BTW, still think Bernie is a RU canard, but will vote BLUE, no matter who. Go, Joe.p.s. strictly for context: Lady & MS are at-risk age/health-wise, poli-sci major college dropouts, who spent 40+ yrs. each earning their keep, and keeping an eye on things. Mercifully, we don’t have kids upon whom to bestow this madness. Like Farmers’ Insurance, we’ve ‘seen a few things’.The ‘relief Bill’ is, indeed, a clusterfuck, but it was that or...what?

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That ancient mantra is being bandied around this house a lot these days:)

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That sick accusation was when we pulled the plug on remaining MAGSt connections, friend/family connections be damned.

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