Yes she was illegal for two reasons. She got the work visa to be the don's trophy wife. the second is that she was not born in Eastern Europe but actually in Kenya.

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I think I saw Melania's then-employer on an old episode of Law & Order. He was taking the nude photos and then when the models wanted to get paid he said, "HA! You can't work on that kind of visa. If you don't like me not paying you, call Immigration."

You know, kinda like what Don the Con does to his "little people" contractors.

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I think it's probably enough excitement to land at SFO on clear days, look out the window, and see another plane landing 750 feet next to you. Or, alternatively, on foggy days wondering when/if your plane will ever actually take off.

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Perhaps they didn't want to invite similar research into their own backgrounds. For starters: Bobby Jindal, Freelance Exorcist.

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There's a special H-1B for models.

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I think the bigger story is that it's easier to get a visa as a fashion model than as an engineer.

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The Donald will have to deport Melanoma back to Lower Slobovia, like he said he would send all the Muslims back to Muslimovia. What the heck, isn't it about time to import Trump Wife #4, anyway?

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Yes, the darker-hued Messicans are more scary than the hordes of Canadians who will only polite us to death, eh?

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How are you sure it was softcore? Some of us request, nay, demand proof.

Show us the negatives!

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Ironically, the red states are the greatest consumers of Potential First Lady Porn.

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The meaning is very unclear but may mean "haughty person".https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knauss

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Seriously, she looks starved.

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Do passports come with centerfolds?

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Yeah why can't we just ask Sheriff Joe to sort this out?

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along with the stuff bleeded out of her wherevers?

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