It got a fuck load easier for unstable cowards to take out lots of people with guns. Most of the Sandy Hook first graders could have kicked Adam Lanz as ass. The AR15 made all the difference in the world.

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The average gun owner is a paranoid coward, ergo mentally unstable. Also, really bad at risk assessment

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You can't avoid snakes? Are you a slug? Da fuck?

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they survive by blending in. have you ever been in the woods before? i avoid lots of them, watch them slide on by, but i spend a lot of time walking in the woods looking up in the trees. i've been bit a couple of times. not poisoned yet, thankfully. in 35 years i have only shot three, two rattlers, and a water moccasin. one of the rattlers bit my boot, but didn't get me.

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really? and where do you get your data, do ya just pull it out of yer asshole? i have owned a gun for 40 years, and never had the desire to kill anyone with them, even as a soldier. i have defended my self many times, but never yet need a firearm. it is the anti gun people who are cowards. they are so afraid of guns, they are willing to submit to any loss of freedom to make them feel safer. but safe is not a state of being, it is a feeling. so fuck you. i am not willing to lose my freedoms to soothe your feelings of cowardice. freedom is the most valuable thing you posses. self control is the most important. without one, you won't have the other long.

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i hunt in the woods, i never go to a gun range. i live in indiana. i used to carry my rifle in my truck all the time, but they get rusty after a while, so i stopped. in the 80's, i used to go hunting after school, and it would be in my truck all day, never had a problem. from my point of view, any time you get large concentrations of humans in a small area, you will problems. cities are nice places to visit, but you couldn't pay me enough to live in one.

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A statement of opinion isn't data. So you need a gun because you are brave? Hahahaha. You are pants pissing scared of your fellow man. If you carry a gun and your job doesn't require it or you aren't actively training or hunting then you are a coward. You fear me. That is why you need your gun. Fear. Haaaaaa

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Do you have citations to back up your assertions or did you pull them out of "yer" ass?

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More like you couldn't afford it and we wouldn't want you

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Literally grew up in the woods, Mohican Valley. You get a pass on the water moccasin. One chased me down while swimming in Lake Cumberland, Kentucky. Scary. As for rattlers, if you need to shoot one, you aren't much of a woodsman. Sorry....not sorry

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Or their idiot offspring finds it and shoots other idiot offspring

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I am now in love with you

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Or a hot circular firing squad threesome

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Not a gun nut, but, the 22lr round is great for scrambling the brains. Also, short rounds can be silenced easily.

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Was mostly used in close, to the dome

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Hostile work environment

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