Actually, I suspect CaptJim works pretty hard to achieve that effect.

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Back in the day, the little brown bag was known as a "Scotch Cooler." I didn't like the taste of the damp paper around the business end of the can.

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Is that before or after she puts down the babbies?

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Revolution comes from the barrell of a Panamax shipping container.

But I didn't realize that it was legal to ship goods from Shanghai to Oakland during the mid-60s.

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NEWS ALERT: The NRA has announced that the lower-level employee responsible for sending out the preceding unapproved email, in a misguided attempt to discourage the patriotic pastime of open-carry, has been FIRED.

If you know what we mean, heh heh.

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If any person armed person other than a a sworn peace officer is allowed to enter a business establishment that I'm in, I intend to immediately walk out - and if it's an eating establishment, I won't stop to pay the check, because I don't want to be around any person brandishing a gun because I believe that type of person has the capacity to commit a crime - or may be mistaken for that type by any other customers in the place that might also be carrying weapons.

I enjoyed seeing the action taking place at the "OK Corral," but I was safely seated on my couch, watching that movie on television... and that's about as close I want to be to non-uniformed people without badges strutting around with weapons.

Gene Grossman - www.LegalMystery.com

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Not a gun advocate. Never owned a gun. Not against them it's just as a big ass mf the invention of guns kinda knocked guys like me off the lion king rock we ruled from for most of human existence. Uniformed people really? Just pointing out that you sound oddly scared of a powerless thing and that lots of terrible horrible atrocities have been committed by uniformed people. I would be much more afraid of a uniformed Nazi than than some random hillbilly with a boom stick (Hell I bet most of the human atrocities have been committed by people wearing uniforms). Oh and now I know if I'm ever gonna kill you all I have to do is go to a costume store.

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God darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.

/slim pickens

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I saw this in liberal-weenie Austin (my home town) this weekend. I am also a gun owner and while I can obtain a concealed weapon permit, I have chosen not to do so because it's not really pleasurable strapping on metal while I'm sweating in South Texas humidity.

These people are complete knuckleheads. I'm not sure what kind of tactical advantage they are trying to demonstrate walking around with a AR-15. It just tells me that I just need to make a wide circle and approach from their backside.

What will be sad is one of these dipshits will get pissed off over something and will dispatch one or more rounds in a public place. Law enforcement officers will be informed and will know it the great patriot is carrying a semi-automatic rifle. In Austin, you dispatch police officers to a person who has shot a rifle in a public place, your going to get on-shift tactical officers who I can assure are much better tacticians and are snipers than one of these morons.

And how fucking irresponsible for a mother to walk around with a AR-15 saddled over her back. Really Ms. Patriot? Your at a Home Depot in Dallas, not hunting for a caribou in Alaska.

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Wouldn't a Kevlar vest be more practical than having to use your arms to carry the baby?

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Elaine: "I don't know how you walk around with those things."

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Related? <a href="http://www.cnet.com/news/co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.cnet.com/news/cosmos-presenter-i-worry...">http://www.cnet.com/news/co...

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"Yet some so-called firearm advocates seem determined to change this."


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Not just the NRA but Ted Nugent even thinks they're stupid! Jesus!

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I spent a full minute contemplating the same thing. I said 'there's no way a baby could be as wide as an already wide woman'

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Exactly, holy shit is the correct reaction. What's that, you say, you'd like to buy and carry the exact rifle the army uses, minus fully automatic mode, trick it out with spoilers, lights, lasers and shit and carry it into your local Applebees? Sure, go right ahead, and please no pesky license is required, since it's out in the open, every body knows to get the fuck away from your nutty ass as soon as they spot you. You wouldn't want to look like a pussy in the Waffle House at 3am.

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