And how many of the lily-white can point to their race being singled out for voter intimidation, separate facilities, or for that matter, lynching?

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You gotta fight for your white to partay.

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...hear Republicans? That's the death rattle of political party! The satiate Texas will look really nice colored "blue" on election night

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Uh-huh, so the white man is keeping the white man down. Seems legit.

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Being White used to be great. We could go anywhere, do anything, say anything and nobody else could do anything about it. We used to all hang out together, just a bunch of good fellas. We'd say "Hey you'll like Scooter, he's a good fella" or, "Hunter, Bradley and Brett are really good fellas, I'll vouch for them", and ba-boom, you were in.

We ran everything from Boston down to the Florida Keys and as far west as LA. We wanted to put somebody in office and zing, they got elected. Every now and then we'd hand out a piece to a couple of guys from outside the neighborhood (if you know what I mean), just to keep things calm. This one guy, Stacks, he was an okay guy so we got him a little patronage job, but he got lazy and messy, so he had to go. For the most part though, we kept it to ourselves and ran everything. It was like this: "You don't like the infrastructure development? Fuck you, vote for me" or "You want unemployment? Fuck you, vote for me". It was great!

Now with all of the other families moving in, it's not the same. This thing of ours has been watered down and we don't have the same cheese we used to have. Now we're just like any other schumck, any other civilian, and I gotta tell you, I'm feeling a little oppressed here.

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The poor disenfranchised voters have an easy solution: move to Plano. I'm sure Sarah Palin will visit them on her toad trip across Amurica.

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Firmly planted upon her shoulders, that is.

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The worst part about Texas White Slavery will be the Returns Desk.

"I'm sorry sir, but we were very clear that you were purchasing a Texan. Useless?! I don't know, maybe some people need walking belt-buckle holders!"

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"...Anglo racial minority..."

The most moronic oxymoron I've heard in a while.

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This is a sad story but I think Kirby Delauter still wins this week's GOP butthurt sweepstakes.

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Dear dickheads, I do not think “a perpetuation of racial entitlement,” means what you think it means.

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Time to head into those "minority" districts with buckets of whitewash, Patriots.

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