Seventh circle of hell inning stretch time already?

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... and a reminder to behave because you've seen what He can do when He's pissed off.

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... I fly our flag on Canada/Dominion Day, but only because the government was giving them away free to anyone who asked, and I figured since my tax dollars already paid for it, I might as well have one. It hangs in an upper floor window, mostly because I haven't gotten around to buying drapes for that room, but only until the end of summer. After that, I like the sun to keep the room warm. Still, I'm in a minority in my neighbourhood because as you say, there just doesn't seem to be this incessant need to festoon everything everywhere with the flag.

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... obviously you've been lucky. I hear tell Big Gay will swarm you and force you to dress fashionably as well as coif your hair if you offend their sensibilities. And if you resist, you're getting a mani-pedi too. Keep a low profile is all I'm sayin'...

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... "doesn't fit the narrative we're crafting, ignore." - Faux News Infernal Memo

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... that's what happens when it's always being crammed down your throat, or constantly in your face, or giving you perpetual butt-hurt ("y'er doin' it rong")...

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... it's like riding a bicycle, everyone can do it but not everyone makes it to the Tour de France.

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... that one's my favourite - especially the part about ignoring the whole "let he who is without sin cast the first stone..." so go ahead and be just as judgmental as you damn well please, it's the Conservative Jeebus Way!

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... was she in that trio The Chixeat Dicks?

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... Jon Stewart had his usual wicked fun with that on his program tonight... Man, I am so going to miss him at the desk of The Daily Show!

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... from what I saw of his announcement, there was at least one who abstained. The other two didn't look none too fucking enthusiastic either.

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... I believe his campaign was stillborn. It's whatchacall one of them 'Holy Abortions'.

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... I assume his campaign theme song is going to be The Piysusher - if he can steal get the rights from Steppenwolf/Hoyt Axton.

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... it just stayed a little too long on the barbecue.

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Not again. Once was enough. I used to like Alfred E. Neuman. Even when he was mashed up with Chimpy McFlightsuit. But now, all I see is Jindal E. Neuman and that gives me a sadz.

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... I know mine is. Sure, she's older, and she does groan and squeak if I overload her, but I understand exactly what that means. This woman OTOH... I'm not sure she could even reach that level of discourse.

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