Funny, we have the same problem with the money supply.

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You forget, theft is a crime and rich people don't commit crimes. They just make errors of judgement. Whoops!

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I’m so sorry. Are you in the Bay Area or LA?

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Sorry Dok, I got as far as "...but Irvine is beautiful!" and had to stop. Has this woman never driven the 210?

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Don't forget all the free goodies! Checks from the gummint, Obamaphones, foodstamps for steak & lobster - man, the perks just never end. Or begin..

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“Anybody that wants to stick their neck out for this issue is gonna have nothing to show for it but a cut-off head,” said Nelson. “There’s no reward for even trying to get involved in this.”

No reward? Is basic human decency not enough for you? They may not have homes, but they can vote. They are ALSO your constituents, not just the OC soccer carpoolers.

ETA: The population of Orange County is about 30 million people. Assuming that many of the residents of the OC are children or whatever, let's cut that population number down to 15 million. The proposed funding for setting up shelters was 70 million, right? That works out to about 5 bucks per person. That is some seriously miserly behavior to not shell that out.

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What I'm imagining is Doc Doom running into Richards for the first time, putting him on "the rack" and then going "WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?"

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The latter. After all, they work directly for the rich people.

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I'm forced to assume this is not, in fact, about the money.

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Or mow the lawns?

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Probably not.

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The traffic....I hope you can budget time for the traffic. I had a friend who made a ton of money but had to drive all over LA. The day she had a 2 and a half hour one way was the day she told her husband they were selling their house in Pasadena and moving to upstate NY. And they did.

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They actually never had a moral compass in OC . We used to call it living behind the red curtain because it is so conservative. There are bits that are okay like Costa Mesa but general pretty Republican . I think they intentionally picked Irvine and Laguna Nigal so it would fail no way those rich folks would want shelters in their hood.

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Not to mention that they’d probably sue.

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When the recession hit, it hit my neighborhood really hard. Dozens of foreclosed on houses. Why in the hell, I thought, couldn't they use them as section 8 housing , or housing for the homeless? They sat there, un-occupied, for years. In fact, the village had to pay people to keep the lawns mowed. So why not have a homeless person, couple, or family move in and takeover the up-keep? Take a token amount from their benefits so their steeply discounted electric, water and gas would stay on? Figure out a way to let them earn, and keep, the house? Like Habitat for Humanity.

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