We can only pray . . .

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A riff on Tienanmen Square I found.

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um...Oh, I know! It was a very subtle comment on how these dumb cops tried to use a battering ram to break in a door that opened outward. Yeah, that's the ticket!

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Eated? Did this genius mean to say ate?

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And that's the part that confuses the hell out of me. The place is right up the street from where I live, just north of the superior courthouse. And this is Santa Ana, which the last census rated "Hispanic as Fuck;*" seriously, I can't throw a stone downtown without hitting a quinceanera boutique.

*[citation needed]

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Hey man I'm just getting my sea legs. Give me a pinch to get a handle on my love muscle and catch a groove.

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You don't get ironic remarks, do you?

So sad.....

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You don't get video footage and such?

So sad.....

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You're assuming that they'll be convicted of anything. :/

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What kind of food allergies do you have, & what's your tipping policy?

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Besides which, threats aren't nearly as entertaining as good quality snark.

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Huh. They took my blood sample from my arm, not my ass.

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An attorney for the shop on Monday called the actions an appropriate step that shows officials are willing to hold officers accountable for their actions. But he stood by his original allegations that the officers ate marijuana edibles.

"Because some were consuming regular food products does not mean they were not consuming edibles," said attorney Matthew Pappas.

Pappas added that while he believes the officers should face appropriate penalties, but not necessarily lose their jobs.

The officers were also seen distributing the snacks to other officers who participated in the raid, but prosecutors said there wasn't evidence showing that those other officers knew the items had been pilfered from the shop.

Quijas and Arroyo also allegedly took extra cookies when they left the shop, prosecutors said.

"It's a start, but I stand by my allegation that they ate edibles."


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Understanding irony correlates highly with certain mental processes such as being able to hold two thoughts in your brain simultaneously and compare the two to the typical realize that one is too absurd to be true and conclude irony. Go easy. You don't want to be misunderstood.

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