It’s a scene from “Shine On, Harvest Moon” (1938) in your header gif today with Roy Rogers, the singing cowboy. More here: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/roy-rogers-sings-about-tabbin

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The whitest thing I have ever seen.

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I was always a Gene Autrey man myself.

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I was gonna say, that is a very young Roy Rogers.

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"Shine On Harvest Moon" was one of the many old sentimental songs my family (all nine of us) used to sing around the campfire every summer at our lake place. Yes, we were totally that kind of family; three and four part harmonies and all.

I never associated it with cowboys, though. Of course I was absolutely delighted when Leon Redbone had a hit with it in the '70s, thinking OK, this stuff I like isn't so square, it's actually cool.

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Before karaoke, we followed the bouncing ball:


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I miss Saturday morning cartoons.

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Huh? You can still watch Saturday morning cartoons. Looney Toons are my fave, especially The Roadrunner (beep! beep!)

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Woah, I didn't even know Natsume made games in 1938.

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Growing up, Roy Rogers was more closely associated with the regional fast food roast beef chain for me. Home of the Fixin's Bar!

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I accidentally proposed to my wife at a Roy Rogers in Yonkers.

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I was hoping you meant you accidentically went to a Roy Rogers. Anyway, why did you have to propose to your wife? Did you forgot to propose before you married her?

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We had been going out for a couple of years when I foolishly broke up with her. Months later I realized I was wrong but didn't know how to make things right. Fortunately, she called me for what was going to be the last time on my birthday, and I said that I'd like to meet and talk. She said OK and we arranged to meet at a diner near her apartment. As it turned out the diner was closed so we ended up at a Roy Rogers off the New York Thruway. I told her that I'd like to have another chance with her and she kept asking what I wanted. I finally blurted out without thinking, "Well, if I had a ring, I guess I'd ask to marry you." We were both floored by that, and after a long silence, she asked "Did you mean that?" I thought for a moment and said "Umm...yeah, I did!" She said that she'd take a week to think about it. She said yes, and we've been married for almost 32 years now.

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I now feel less weird about 7-yr relationship featuring a cross-continental move, then a babby, then a house, and me finally getting exasperated: "Are we ever going to get married?!"

We got married six weeks later. Still married. Never sure how many years count for anniversary, as we'd never broken up, either.

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awwwwwwww...a happy ending. mazel tov!

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Gene Autry now! Gene Autry tomorrow! Gene Autry forever!

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Gene Autry harder!

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I'm still waiting for us to watch Rex O'Herlihan together.


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Yes! Someone put that on the Movie Night list if it isn't already!

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It is! It was a recommendation from me!

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What a face, what a figure!

Two more legs, and . . .

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Oh, you meant THAT Trigger. Trigger-Trigger, not . . . never mind.

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I _loved_ that horse when I was small and extremely horse crazy. (Now I'm big and only moderately horse crazy.)

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On the barbie!

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Did you see a Trigger warning?!

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Stop horsing around!

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Only a Tigger warning!


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(inserts 'stuffed and mounted' joke)

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Sep 15, 2023
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Bring spurs.

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Busy collecting royalty revenues.

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Sep 15, 2023
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I hate to give fuel to the "wikipedia is junk" thing, even if it's gone out of fashion, but one does have to be care. Historical research and much slapping of asses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbGH3m8eRNg&ab_channel=KazRowe

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After talking to billing at Spectrum about being seriously overbilled, I mentioned that I am nowhere near the 300Mbps speed advertised. Got transferred to a tech, and found that speedtest wired was lower than wireless, neither above a quarter of what I'm paying for. No one I spoke to knew if installers check speed before leaving the install. Miraculously, a service tech was available same day, waiting on him now.

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After hearing What's Up by 4 Non Blondes sung at karaoke for the hundredth time or so, I'd like to propose a modest revision in the lyrics of the first verse to make them make sense.

In place of 'for a destination', make it 'my destination'.

In place of 'realized quickly when I knew I should', try 'realized quickly just as I should'.

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Lesson from the Food Republic tab: everyone is always judging you. Fuck ‘em and order the spicy, dripping, low-class goodies and look pityingly upon the meals of your fellow diners.

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I blogged vc Andrews extensively at casteelkidsstolemygroceries.tumblr.com and had a short lived podcast called The Lurid Family still available on iTunes if you’re into that

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You’ll want to go to the archives or search say, flowers in the attic at that tumblr tho because there’s other stuff there lately

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Recently I've had 2 anti-vaxxers subscribe to me. WTF is up with that, it's an insta-block. Do I need to add anti-vaxxers need not apply to my profile? One person today, I was sure this has got to be sarcasm but after reading some of their notes they really were putting out posts that were anti-vax. And I guess it's not surprising that there seems to be a thriving group of anti-vaxxers on Substack.

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Shorter Food Republic, “Don’t order anything “interesting” at a business dinner, also too, don’t order anything “boring”.

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Just order from the bar. It'll do wonders for the water cooler talk that never gets into The Real Story.

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There's video of Boobert vaping in the theater, as well as video of the pregnant woman behind her asking her to stop (I assume, you can't hear the voices).


I'll give her opponent a lot of money if he'll promise to use it only to play that video of her vaping over the text of her campaign saying she did not vape as many times as my money will cover.

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Do they still have morning cartoons on TV? The last time I watched network TV in the morning it was all hour-long advertising.

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Not on Saturday mornings (except on the Cartoon Network) but there are plenty of cartoons all over the place. "Family Guy" is my favorite.

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Suzy Creamcheese, oh baby now

What's got into ya?

Suzy Creamcheese, oh mama now

What's got into ya?

God, Frank Zappa left us too soon.

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I've been watching "Dopesick" on . HULU. Wow, it's really intense, but riveting. The worse thing is that Kathe Sackler (sister of Richard Sackler) spells her name with an "e." My Dad named me Kathe (with an "e'), so I might have to change it to "y" or "ie," or maybe start calling myself Kate. I'll watch anything starring Michael Keaton. Thinking of throwing away my meds now.

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I went through a VC Andrews phase when I was an angsty teen. It was actually my mother's old copy of Flowers in the Attic that started it. I think my favorite series was about the Louisiana twins who were raised separately and reunited. That was likely one of the ghost written ones, but I didn't care.

You knew what dead doves you were about to eat with a VC Andrews branded story, and I liked that.

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There was a great thread about Flowers in the Attic on Jezebel years ago. There is clearly a cohort of us who read VC Andrews at just the right age. It is imprinted in our minds, forever.

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"The racism too was more transparent than usual."

But that's true *every* day, here in Trumpmerica.

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This morning the good people at Nice Polite Republicans were indeed interviewing an auto parts supplier. It was a pretty fluffy interview actually. On the first day of the strike I kind of expected most interviews to be with UAW. Maybe there were many. I wake up to NPR and then switch to music most of the day.

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I'll never forget the Diane Rehme about labor issues featuring people from the Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute? Did she reach out to anyone from organized labor? Silly you, of course not.

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Impeach? Let's see. Hunter maybe traded on his name to get on the board of Burisma but OHJB was not involved. Hunter sent some dic picks which I'm pretty sure is still legal. OHJB was not involved. Hunter lied about past drug use to get a gun which is a pretty minor offense considering what we've seen from other gun humpers. OHJB was not involved. Hunter maybe lied on his taxes? I'm not totally sure about that. OHJB was not involved. As far as I'm concerned the republicans can impeach Hunter Biden from his non-existent government position. But they got absolutely nothing on OHJB.

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He also flew employees across state lines and had consensual sex with them so "trafficking" and "prostitution" Yo'!

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