"Sorry, can't marry you." "But the law changed so you can't discrimin--" "You're already married. We're not allowed to let people marry more than once." "..." "And mazeltov, by the way."

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Surprisingly, a Google search for "GOP BLASTS" finds only 23,000 things they've blasted.

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No -- that would infringe their religious freedumbs, and they would complain about it.

That would be pretty snarky, if it weren't true.

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Can't I just ask to see 23,000 results per page?

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...or already know the answer to.

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They just need to paint a big ole Xtian fish on the sign. It will be like Passover, except gheys.

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They just need to wear a T-shirt with "I'm a bigot. If you're different from me please get away from me" printed on it. That should do the trick.

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GOP is all over it like white on rice on a paper plate with a glass of vanilla-frosted milk.

Unless they're good Christian homophobic bigots, in which case, RELIGUS FREEDUMBZ.

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Is that called the "Mississippi Exemption?" If it had been available, most of the Deep South probably would have skipped that whole messy Civil Rights thingie.

You betcha!

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Can we cross "special rights for gay people" off their list of arguments against gay marriage now?

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Traditional marriage is declining in popularity for many reasons. Same sex marriage is increasing because of laws. If bakeries and wedding venues want to stick with a shrinking market segment, we should let them. Economic Darwinism at its most ironic.

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This cake tastes like bile.

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