Say. That is good news! Isn’t it Ted… Ted?

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In somewhat related news, Orwellian Rainbows is now the name of my NBA fantasy team for this season.

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What's particularly sad is that the chinese people largely welcomed Mao and the communists after decades of war as an apparent force for stability. Mao then promptly turned all the energy he'd been putting into strategy and survival of the communist party into constantly finding new "enemies" everywhere among his own supporters.

Yet another example of why you don't support crazy, even if it seems to be effective at the time, Republicans.

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you're in Chi right?

i like to keep all my wonkette / Chi straight.

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This is a plot by Mississippi to move all its Poorz to Oregon. Fortunately, Mississippi killed that bus ticket voucher program, so the whole thing is a nonstarter.

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You must be reading something wrong. According to the teatards the ACA is:

*killing Americans…literally *rationing health care *killing jobs *killing the economy *raising the cost of health care *shutting down small businesses

Did I forget anything?

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