I'm handing out early marks in University-destination Grade 11 English today. Tomorrow night is parent/teacher night. Bring on the whining...sigh.

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One of the things I love about the college where I teach: there is a policy clearly stated in the handbook that final grades are changed for mathematical errors ONLY. Stops a lot of those "I need a better grade" arguments. I believe we aren't doing people a favor by bailing them out at the last minute.

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This one time* I had a professor write that same thing on my exam. ________________________ * more than once

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Vicarious secession.

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I am grateful indeed to veterans of WWII, but I'm also tired of letting a subset of them hijack Veterans!(TM) for their own nitwit political rants. Newsflash, folks: a fair lot of you voted for Obama, and I daresay all of you fought for the Constitution and the rights it represents. One of which is the respect of each branch of government for the other two.

Also? No love for the equally shut-down Vietnam and Korea memorials, eh? Maybe because the douches who orchestrate this crap are the same ones who didn't let VN vets join the VFW and the American Legion for years because (drumroll) they <i>lost</i> their war.

Greatest Generation my ass.

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Number Four of the defining characteristics of fascism: Supremacy of the military, "Soldiers and military service are glamorized."

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We sent the happynicetimepeople elsewhere.

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We're all familiar with the concept of unintended consequences.

During the sorry past few weeks, the right wing nutz have broken a whole lot of new ground in the area of intended consequences. This appears to be virgin territory for them.

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I went to college straight out of high school because I didn't want to be sent to Viet Nam.

When things cooled down I took a couple of years off and worked.

Nothing made college seem easy like earning a living.

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My (second) Calc II final exam, I took only one extra hour and got 24 out of 29 questions right.

...there were 50 questions on the exam, but I by-gosh got to three-fifths of them, and got very nearly a good grade on the ones I managed to answer in 150% of the allotted time. One of my better efforts in a mathematics course.

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What about their sister Dot? Doesn't she get a weekend?

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Exactly. You thanked me every two weeks for fourteen years, sometimes even generously. There were free trips to interesting locations I would never have been able to see on my own dime. Plus, I <i>enjoyed the job.</i>

How about thanking the schoolchildren whose free lunch you cut off so you could cut taxes? Their service is a lot more arduous than mine ever was. And they didn't volunteer.

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Which brings us back to the million vet march...

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Funny thing, that...I come here often to get away from my students.

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"Gosh-a-roony, we didn't think they were really that loony. We thought the Tea Party only played the part of being crazy on TeeVee."

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You dance with the ones that you brought to the party.

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