Strong words, for someone who came up with this gem:

Anderson Cooper was wrong to be such a bitch. As humans you can have compassion when there is a tragedy and you think of the victim- not scrutinize their lifestyle in that type of situation.

It takes a brave soul to own the fact that Pam Bondi is the victim here.

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Do stop listening to the wingnuts and start voting them out of office.

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The pout was monumental. He looked like a three-year-old listening to adults tell a joke he doesn't get but that he vaguely knows is about him somehow - aggrieved and sullen.

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I'm still traumatized by apparent phasing out of Cherry Garcia. Cookie dough and other weird shit I never did understand.

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' they don’t envy us for our technology, iPhone is made in China. They don’t envy us for our roads. There are roads in Europe and South America that are better than our roads. They don’t envy us for our water system .'

How long before that quote is pulled out of context as proof he hates Murrica

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Humanity? Tolerance of others? Loving, kind human beings? That's not how Republicans "win", dude. Whadda terrerst, amirite?

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Unf I never noticed. That was one of my favorite flavors.

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We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world.That's why we liberals want America to do the right thing. We know America is the hope of the world, and we love it and want it to do well.

Sen. Al Franken

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Too right, Phoenix. Down in Australia where I live, John Howard was not my favourite Prime Minister. One thing he absolutely did right, though, and for which he deserves credit, was to restrict gun ownership and have the most powerful, devastating privately owned firearms hauled in (the big buyback). Since then -- we haven't had another Queen Street Massacre, we haven't had another Hoddle Street Massacre, and we especially have not had another Port Arthur. Proof of the pudding ...

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It's a workout program for couples.

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Three dicks walk into a bar...

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maybe not the most credible sources but for starters:http://www.theatlantic.com/...



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Hey, people! Lori's got a new roomie! How long will this one last?

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To be a religion nerd, I believe that the Qur'anic message is something like "you're ENTITLED to take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but God gives you brownie points if you forgive". So kind of a midpoint between Moses and Jesus.

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As long as B&J still make Cherry Garcia I'm ok.

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