Yes, but only for "those" people, who they formed the charter schools to keep out, in the first place.

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You would think so in a civilized society.but, evidence in camera says no.They quit/fire/retire under the shield of FOPS and complicit DA's and then move county to a new PD and get another job and continue being the asshole in the blue uniform. This is a pattern that has been established across the years.Also do not fucking put established psychopaths in charge of multi-ton vehicles with attached compactor/crusher technology. Convict thier fucking asses of the violent crimes they perpetrate and let them go to prison and then try and recover afterwards. Maybe the FOPS will help them deal with the prejudice against convicted violent criminals?

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FYI they all look pretty white when they come out.You take that reaction and use it for education.

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Sleep is foundational to emotional regulation. Without proper sleep for long enough you will become a raging emotionally unstable asshole who cries and needs cuddles just to get from breakfast to lunch. Sleep dep over a long time simply stops the brain working properly and cascade failure follows.

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In Canada you can't arrest someone under 12 years old. 12 is the minimum age of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. When I noted that elsewhere someone from Europe was surprised, because in their country the age of criminal responsibility is 14.

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Wasn't there an article a few months back about a cop tasing a schoolkid?

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An adult acting in loco parentis, and responsible for a child's welfare, such as a teacher or staffer, is in fact permitted to touch a child and physically control it when it is acting in a manner which is potentially harmful to itself or others, or excessively disruptive.

A child having a temper tantrum who won't stop if spoken with needs to be removed, so that the class can continue with its activities. Ideally that would be school nurse or someone doing security who is not an idiot. A class doesn't need to stop to accommodate some kid having a shit fit because they're feeling poopy and cranky.

Obviously handcuffing and arresting a six or eight year old is stupid and inappropriate.

'Putting hands?' This isn't a fucking street confrontation. Save the drama.

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"She has a medical condition that we're working on getting resolved,"

Working on getting resolved? Get a sleep study, followed by a cpap machine. If the little girl doesn't like any of the various mask styles available, that could be a problem, but it should not take that long.

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And why on earth is a cop with excessive force allegations in his work history able to get a job working with young childrenFOPS.They are the only union acceptable to Goppers and they took the lesson of Omertà seriously.An allegation or even a charge is not a conviction. In the case of the thin blue line almost never a conviction. Even when the allegations are upheld and disciplinary action is taken Cops discipline records are immune from FOIA and even Discovery motions in most arena's, let alone an employment reference check.

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I know someone from Daily Kos who lives in Florida. When she first mentioned Resource Officers I was confused, then appalled.

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Yet nothing happens to the fucking moron. He may get away with all of his criming. Shit, he MAY get re-elected.

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Yeah. They heard this 6-year-old sing:

"My eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school,We have tortured every teacher, we have broken every rule,We are marching down the corridor to hang the principal,Our troops are marching on!

Chorus:Glory, glory hallelujah!Teacher hit me with a ruler.I hit her on the beanWith a rotten tangerine,And there's no more school this year."

The anthem of the 6-year-old brigade.

(Or maybe the kid was just humming a patriotic hymn.)

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So far he has been correct.

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This cop should be on death row. I think he ended up filing for a pension, because that's what one does when they murder an innocent person. I showed it to my mother when it first happened, and she didn't believe it was real. Oh, it's real, ma, it's very real.

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Charter school, probably a religious scam.

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I have worked in a Special Setting school where there was a half day of staff orientation on ethical restraint at the start of each year. No-one liked it, but the reality was that a couple of the severely autistic kids had to be manhandled on occasion to get them to their calm down space and we had to know how to do that safely for them and for us.It was part of their management plan, that they and their parents agreed to after negotiation.This, is not that.From the description I would actually think the staffer, and their staff list is very small btw, was probably trying to get the girls attention, as you do, buy taking someone's hand, making human contact. I doubt the staffer did anything worse than maybe being a little too patronising and getting too close to a flailing child. The SRO on the otherhand sees the violence inherent in disrespectful children and leaps into action to put the fear of authority in them.IMO anyone who thinks a 6yo can be charged with battery needs to be sectioned and kept away from civilised society.

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