I'd comment but I gotta drop this hooker back at her corner (hopin' I don't get stopped for drunk drivin' again!) and then finish watchin' Freddie Got Fingered.

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But just think, all those sick poor kids will get tax breaks on their private jets, golf courses and posh schools.

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Ironic that the Welfare Queen narrative is always delivered by the biggest welfare kings on behalf of their pimps.

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I'm sitting here in the hospital right now minus a kidney tonight. All went well. Very little pain, surprisingly. Hey totally erased your phone number when we were sharing pics. You were so supportive at the drinky thing and I did use some of your professional advice. If you're comfortable could you text me your phone number? But only if you want. Have a wonderful evening!Mary

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Legislative Shitmuffin of the Year race tightening up!

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Oooh yeah, it's about as bad as you would expect.


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"Anti-elites" means no libruls, queers, people with a post-high school education, or J00s.

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"Then they had better do it, and reduce the surplus population."

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See! God Orrin helps those that help themselves!

...to federal subsidies

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reefer and jazz music is all these poors know.

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Apparently there is big money in helping rich people feel better about how awful they are. Or so I hear. You should try to get in on that action.

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So gratifying to see the Welfare Queen narrative, in all its glorious forms, is still alive.

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What. Nothing about all those iphones that the poors are spending billions on willy nilly?? Maybe they could put a clause in the CHIP reauthorization (if they ever get to it) that demands to see the parents' means of communication before providing coverage. That would show these deadbeats how to squeeze a nickel out of a penny.

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I vote we change the Republican mascot to the lemming.

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We need a Logan's Run solution.

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I took your advice, Mr. Grasshole! And none of my extra pennies will be going to booze, women or movies! Thanks!

Instead, they'll go to support any Democratic challengers to any Republican Senators.

You know what seems wasteful? Paying the retirements of former politicians! This is probably something The People should look into. They are very expensive to maintain, and there are relatively few of them compared to, say, children who might need medical assistance.

Do you have any more great advice? Could you give me more reasons to get people on board with this? THANKS IN ADVANCE

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