Yup. Pretty much anything.

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You just have to know what he means by the word "people"... (And "help", and probably "believe"...)

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GOP: Guardians Of Perverts

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Good to know. So looking at it sociologically Utah society is relatively low violence compared to other parts of the country. With the GLARING EXCEPTION of fatal violence against women. Actually homicide rates are hard to compare in different places and especially different eras because emergency medicine has improved so much, or in rural areas is so crappy today, that the relationship between death and having been attacked is different in different times and places. Which is why I’m glad I don’t have to do this kind of analysis. 😁

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So, Russian Conspiracy Twitter has been advocating for some time now the (I'd argue naïvely optimistic) claim that, since both Pence and Ryan are also up to their eyeballs in Russia shit, if That Asshole goes down for the Russia thing they go down, too, and we will be left with "President Hatch."I guess that's not going to happen either, now, is it?

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Professor Crunk and Karnythia would like a word https://thesaladbowl.kinja....

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Yes, all those poor, sad wife-beating men need Hatch's help. Well, they do need help, but somehow, I don't think that's what Hatch and his little friends mean.

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It's good to remember that the LDS's philosophy--or a factionalist version thereof--was cited in the Lafferty's conversation with a baby explaining why said baby and her mother needed to die, because they were pretty sure that's what God wanted. Real upstanding family men, in other words.

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No, as a rule across places and history, domestic homicide is a specific phenomenon quite apart from the other homicide categories (different actors motives and circumstances), and there is no linkage between the rates. I strongly recommend Cusson and Cusson's "Les Homicides", pdf on the internet, i am not sure if it exists in English although it definitely should. Well worth a read.


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Y'all missing the part where the sinner can confess and ask forgiveness. Making him (almost always him) even more of a paragon in the faith."Aye waas tempted by thaa Devil, but Jesus showed me the errors of mah ways. I begged forgiveness and Jesus forgave mah! Hallelujahhh brothers and sisters!!"

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No. Fewer murders AND fewer domestic violence murders. Your reasoning is incorrect, as it assumes that domestic and non-domestic murders are two related subsets of "murders", when in fact they're not. They're different phenomena with different actors, motives and circumstances. I very much recommend Maurice and Blanche Cusson's "Les Homicides", a scientific study of murder categories and their dynamics.


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thing about orrin is, you know he's just sitting up there in congress looking all prissy-banker in those $3000 suits, but wearing bright red women's underwear underneath. every. single. day.

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The only one that comes to mind...Islam sees Jesus as a Prophet, Xtians think he is the Son of God, the Messiah.

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Alcohol abuse is a known major driver of both unintentional non-domestic homicide and of domestic violence. So a society which seriously frowns on drinking should have lower rates of both.

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Have you met my relatives ??!! YOU go spend time with them after you work your some few hours daily.

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