I have no real doubt that we could have gotten the same information -- or better! -- without torture or its threat. Probably have gotten it sooner, by demonstrating our lack of evil. I picture some al Queda guy back in 2002 saying "Thanks for the cheese fries! Bin Laden's crib is in Abbottabad -- big house, red mailbox, you can't miss it."
It's not a stretch to believe their "coverage" is of similar quality to that of the MSM, and most certainly provides far more intelligent analysis than Faux News.
Tonight my husband and I took our two kids to a decent restaurant. The kids were well behaved and ate almost all of their food. Clearly the world has changed a great deal with bin Laden's death. I appreciate Obama taking him out before our next road trip.
As for the &quot;Where&#039;s Obama?&quot; picture, the irony is that he was, in fact, <a href="http:\/\/www.flickr.com\/photos\/whitehouse\/5680724572\/in\/set-72157626507626189" target="_blank">in the Situation Room</a>.
&quot;Before long&quot; = 48 seconds
Pizza is what puts those fuckers into Hoverounds. That and lots of freedom fries with cheezsludge, and cheap beer.
No happy faces there... They look like they just found out that a chopper went down.
I&#039;m thinking &quot;shaved&quot;, actually. And yeah, a baby carrot.
That&#039;s correct. OBL is in big trouble over this.
I have no real doubt that we could have gotten the same information -- or better! -- without torture or its threat. Probably have gotten it sooner, by demonstrating our lack of evil. I picture some al Queda guy back in 2002 saying &quot;Thanks for the cheese fries! Bin Laden&#039;s crib is in Abbottabad -- big house, red mailbox, you can&#039;t miss it.&quot;
It&#039;s not a stretch to believe their &quot;coverage&quot; is of similar quality to that of the MSM, and most certainly provides far more intelligent analysis than Faux News.
yeah college students are never up at midnight.
Have Malkin&#039;s minions informed us what kind of counter tops they had yet?
What the hell are they waiting for?
Tonight my husband and I took our two kids to a decent restaurant. The kids were well behaved and ate almost all of their food. Clearly the world has changed a great deal with bin Laden&#039;s death. I appreciate Obama taking him out before our next road trip.
<i>innocent goat farmers...</i>
I&#039;m sorry, but no goat farmer is <i>truly</i> innocent.
As for the &quot;Where&#039;s Obama?&quot; picture, the irony is that he was, in fact, <a href="http:\/\/www.flickr.com\/photos\/whitehouse\/5680724572\/in\/set-72157626507626189" target="_blank">in the Situation Room</a>.
Sports fans, sportscasters, and athletes are the sources I look to for opinions and insight into Islamist issues and anti-terrorism activities.
Don&#039;t take it personally, Radio. We all got fragged.