It reminded me that googly eyes make everything better.

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I'm starting to feel like the RWNJs are getting bored with their own bullshit. They know it's not fooling anyone except the hardcore MAGA faithful and everyone else is either laughing or rolling their eyes every time they all scream "WOKE"!!

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Yep. They hate, Hate, HATE an industry that has made billions of dollars on glamorizing violence, cultural stereotypes, misogyny, and jingoism. Everything they profess to love.

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The problem is if you know it is a red carpet for the 62nd year and you wear a red dress, you can expect the dress will not be contrasted. I just wonder if Jamie Lee Curtis knew the color of the carpet before she chose to wear her dress?

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To be eligible for an award, wouldn't Sorbo have to... you know... get work?

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I'll never forget. It was my 50th birthday. One of the best presents I received.

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The Oscars would be better with a host who simply acted as an emcee and introduced the presenters for each category. Let the winners accept their awards without running them off of the stage, too.

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I won't spoil it.

I will only say that it is the sort of movie best seen while high (the script writers must have been high—in a good way).

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Good point. And it was not just her. A number of the women wore extremely light-colored dresses. You also can't expect a white dress to show up well against that champagne color, which is practically white. Maybe these dresses are beautiful in person, but so many of them look washed-out on TV.

I appreciate people like Angela Bassett and Cara Delevigne for wearing bright colors.

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"They love mocking their political prisoners." https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I thought it was so funny at first! Laughed my ass off until……

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It was a big year for donkeys in film last year, what with Banshees and Eo.

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Is that the same ham sandwich that keeps getting sued all the time?

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I love going to the movies. At home, it's too easy to get distracted, or go do something else and not come back. Small movies that reward attention end up getting watched while people are playing on their phones, and then wonder what all the fuss was about.

And some movies - comedies, fun horror - are so much more fun with a crowd. The energy builds and you have a great time.

I really enjoy even "just OK" movies when I see them at the theatre, while I hardly ever really love something I see at home.

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Is that Jesse Waters????

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Really true. Kimmel went off the rails several times....I considered "trolley probleming" him...

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