Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist the way Paul Broun is a doctor. And you have to be incredibly stupid to take either one of them seriously.

I wonder if Obama's staff gives him a laugh-of-the-day snippet of Fucks Gnus, along with his morning briefing of what's going on in the real world.

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King's more obnoxiously crazy than Chuck Grassley, but Grassley's fucking nuts too and they keep sending him back. Add in the off-year factor, and a state that's used to voting for a crazy guy might just keep on doing it. Also, BTW, according to the 2010 census, even if you make the dubious assumption that all of the Hispanics in Iowa are white, the state's over 85% white non-Hispanic. Not quite Vermont territory, but it's whiter than Wisconsin. Considering the demographics of farm workers, there's a good chance that King's district is actually one of the least white in the state.

And don't forget, Broun is in the race to replace Saxby "the guy who lost multiple limbs in 'Nam fighting for the USA is really Osama bin Laden" Chambliss. In other words, the shit that got Joe Walsh bounced out of the House in Illinois was in Georgia rewarded with a promotion to the Senate. It looks very much as if the Democrats will not be able to find a top-tier candidate. The Republican nominee is almost guaranteed victory, even if it's someone as crazy stupid as Broun. The only upside to a Broun nomination would be that it'd make it a race, so the national GOP would have to spend time and money defending a seat that should be a cakewalk for them. The downside is, of course, Senator Broun. Fuck me.

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I'm not saying King's guaranteed to win in Iowa, nor even that he's a favorite. I'm saying he's not guaranteed to lose, and that's scary enough.

Webb winning in Virginia was part the fact that he's very conservative for a Democrat, part demographic shift in the state that isn't mirrored in Georgia. Everyone I saw looking at Delaware started congratulating Sen. Coons on his win the very second O'Donnell knocked off Mike Castle in the primary - the fact that everyone had the state as a safe pickup for the GOP was 100% because the nominee was assumed to be Castle (who'd won 11 statewide elections over the previous 26 years), and absolutely nothing at all to do with support for the party in the state. By CPVI, Georgia is as Republican as California is Democratic. If the GOP puts up Broun, it'll be a contest, but he'll still be odds-on favorite even if he faces a strong opponent, which doesn't currently seem likely.

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Politics. How does it work?

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He should probably speculate at great length what repressed childhood experiences explain why Teddy Kennedy was such an all-round terrible person.

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Shhh... nobody let on that the electoral college has nothing to do with the Senate, or they might realize their dastardly plan has a minor flaw...

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Also give uncomfortable explanations about how a significant proportion of the people he hired to help with the private equity fund-of-funds he started using Daddy's donor list were available only because their former boss Allan Stanford was in a spot of legal difficulty.

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That's Mayor Springer to you...

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Apparently nobody told him that the Eisenhower Interstate System was the pet project of a Republican, either.

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Are those "<a href="http:\/\/www.wonkettebazaar.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2012\/11\/the-one-cup.jpg" target="_blank">The One</a>" cups or "<a href="http:\/\/www.wonkettebazaar.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2012\/11\/Smokin-Joe.jpg" target="_blank">Smokin' Joe</a>" <a href="http:\/\/www.wonkettebazaar.com\/shop\/coffee-cups-for-your-coffee\/" target="_blank">cups</a>?

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What was that Barney Frank quote?

<blockquote>I don't think I've lived a good enough life to deserve to see a <strike>Newt Gingrich</strike> Keith Ablow Republican nomination</blockquote>

Also too... Geraldo stands no chance in a Republican primary, even in New Jersey. He's a rabid fucking socialist compared to at least 80% of the GOP primary electorate.

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winner, winner, chicken dinner

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I'll run for Senate too, if they promise to skip the election and just swear me in.

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Willing to run if not challenged in the primary. A psychiatrist with grandiosity. What other sociopathic tendencies does he have?

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"Rivera said he could provide a "point of view that is unrepresented anywhere on Earth."

Fixed that for you, Geraldo.

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I find it difficult to feel gleeful about either of those prospects, since neither is guaranteed to lose.

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