Remember, people, it's bad unless you're making money from it, in which case it's still bad but hey, look at all this money, what did you say again?

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There will always be Paladino news. He'll whine for months about how he lost because the press picked on him...then he'll get a talk show bitching about Cuomo.

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a random taiwanese videographer can put out a pretty accurate repub hypocrite list (i mean, ken melman, larry craig and glenn murphy???) and most americans couldn't place his county on a map, name its president or correctly identify its system of government.


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What did the fetuses ever do to you?

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He is going to palpitate your regions, real nice like.

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A co-op of my own and my junk smells like stuffing all the time? Sign me the fuck up!

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Or the Andy Dick?

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