So I submitted a non-comment were I mentioned my dearly departed kitty-cat who was a member of a breed whose two-word name starts with "Maine." A large,furry, friendly breed of cat, it was part of a thread about catching mice. (He was a great mouser!) The comment (non) is still "pending" 4 hours later. I think my comment record speaks for itself, but... Oh well!

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Does anyone?

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Tucker Carlson ate it and unexpectedly shit it out while on air. Just look at his face (briefly is best) if you don't believe me!

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Should've sent it Express Mail ... oh, wait. Teehee.

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Should've called it a Maine Goon?

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Guessing Evan is not a big fan of the movie Cast Away.

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I can't believe that they're trying this hard just to keep Trumpnik's precious, gullible base in line.

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I think this is like Trump claiming in every anecdote that people address him as Sir. Or maybe someone told him he's just too negative so he can be seen in Life is good mode. Was it sent to "Tucker Carlson" tho? I would have avoided having my name on it, if I was him. I mean, if I was a well-known person at all. But I guess that could explain the special service. If the story is true.

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I doubt it. Just because it is already as hierarchical as you can get.

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You're not allowed to ship leaky stuff.

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Haven’t been following this story- and I DO mean ‘story’- so I’m late to the party. To me, the absolute worst part of it is that Carlson knows that his audience is dumb enough to swallow it hook, line, and sinker (that there is a fishing analogy that I threw in especially for Tucker, on account of how he’s predisposed to taking long-planned, not-at-all-getting-the-Hell-out-of-Dodge-until-this-latest-mess-is-forgotten FISHING trips). Not that his audience IS that dumb, but that he KNOWS it. He and his enablers sat around tossing ideas into the pot; it came down to a statistical tie between this and “my dog ate the documents.” This one was decided upon by the flip of a coin.

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I’m sorry to hear about your kitty. That’s a devastating loss.

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As a college student, my husband spent a few excruciating months at a UPS sorting facility. This was DECADES ago but he still has nightmares about it...

Everything moves so fast- they’re on the cusp of “impossible to keep up with,” and they’re run that way on purpose. Based on that alone, I find this hard to believe. Package-handlers barely have time to look at its zip code, much less who it’s addressed to.

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Or fecal waste.

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