I like how quickly we can be saying things like: I've always assumed the twitter account...The "always" being so so short an actual time. (Yes, weeks for months? Days for months? Hours for months? aging on us all.)

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Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

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Ha, you'll stop when the monk rots, just like everybody else.

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Did they learn that that word comes from a book that pretty much transfers what had happened in Russia a decade before into then day England?

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... but that's before The Grand Inquisitor, which is the best bit.

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Nope, sorry, the first sentence of his obituary has been written.

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"I never voted for him" LieBulllllzzzz!

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Complete disinformation

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Book V Pro and Contra: Chapter 5, The Grand Inquisitor

Book VII Alyosha: Chapter 1, The Breath of Corruption

(Yes, I googled.)

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No need Suttree, no need anymore.

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"Incomplete information"

Translation: I forgot to tell him exactly how many Petro-rubles were on the line if he behaves like a good boyski. I only said 'an assload.' And I tried to say 'wink wink' but he didn't really understand, so I had to wink my eyes many times and nod enthusiastically, until his squint slowly turned into an expression of understanding.

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Washington and Colorado, so I'm still no help.

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"We're going to have to amputate your wireless signal"

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Kirby Delauter?

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