Just in case you weren't nervous enough about the dangers of this bad old world, NBC brings us a scary story about a 2014 report by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on attempts by outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMGs) to recruit former and active duty members of the military into their criminal enterprises.
(U//FOUO) The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.
Given the tradition of judges telling people "Marines for 4 years or prison for 8", there might be a fair number of bikers and other no-goodniks in the military by court order. You don't need good moral character in order to kill an opponent, after all. Then, too, there is the old Army tradition of plundering, the old Navy tradition of smuggling, etc., etc.
I'm sure you could have found someone, somewhere, who might have reported on this military/police infiltration by gangs and white supremacists (and the recruitment of soldiers back from the wars), besides the very people at "The Intercept" consistently found empowering these same extremists:
The Intercept? Would that be Libertarian Glenn Greenwald's "The Intercept"... the same Glenn Greenwald who told us this man was the most "principled" presidential candidate in the 2012 election?https://www.youtube.com/wat...
The SAME Libertarian Glenn Greenwald (of "The Intercept") who tweeted his approval for an armed, violent white supremacist militia [The Oath Keepers] comprised of former military and police who showed up to challenge the BLM next to Cliven Bundy and who terrorized blacks in Ferguson: http://thedailybanter.com/2...
The SAME Libertarian Glenn Greenwald of "The Intercept" who had been on a college tour promoting white supremacists to unsuspecting students?:
"The convergence of Glenn Greenwald and Rand Paul's Southern Avenger":/42436_The_Convergence_of_Glenn_Greenwald_and_Rand_Pauls_Southern_Avenger
The same Libertarian Glenn Greenwald of "The Intercept" fresh off an appearance at a Koch-sponsored Tea Party event named after a pro-lynching white supremacist Congressman? http://littlegreenfootballs...
The same Libertarian Glenn Greenwald who posted a defense of white supremacist Tom Tancredo? http://glenngreenwald.blogs...
"The Intercept" funded by Libertarian billionaire Pierre Omidyar? THIS GUY: http://pando.com/2015/02/28...(You'll note that all the actual journalists hired by this Libertarian outfit have already jumped ship.)
Need I continue as to why The Intercept is not our best source for objective reporting?
As has the DHS: "FBI: Right-Wing terror is real" [extemists infiltrating military and police departments]http://www.salon.com/2012/0...
Those extremists are Tea Party members... see the "Insurrectionism Timeline" (documenting right-wing domestic terrorism) compiled by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (2008 to present): http://csgv.org/issues/guns...
Those extremists are infiltrating government, with the help of Libertarian billionaires: "White Supremacist Stampede" http://www.thedailybeast.co...
People attracted to using guns are not as picky about what the guns are used to do as some people like to think. That's why they tend to be attracted to military, police or gangs....and not necessarily in that order.
That's true! The Commie Bastard Repulsor Array (=CoBRA) in my good old Rheinmetall(tm) powered armor was really handy if you felt the need for a hot cup of tea in the field...and for a completely sterilized km² of ground, but omelettes, eggs and all that...
Who doesn't?
Wet, yeasty bread...
(U//FOUO) The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.
Given the tradition of judges telling people "Marines for 4 years or prison for 8", there might be a fair number of bikers and other no-goodniks in the military by court order. You don't need good moral character in order to kill an opponent, after all. Then, too, there is the old Army tradition of plundering, the old Navy tradition of smuggling, etc., etc.
You can be pretty sure every Iraqi man had been in the army.
Tom Cruise?
I'm sure you could have found someone, somewhere, who might have reported on this military/police infiltration by gangs and white supremacists (and the recruitment of soldiers back from the wars), besides the very people at "The Intercept" consistently found empowering these same extremists:
The Intercept? Would that be Libertarian Glenn Greenwald's "The Intercept"... the same Glenn Greenwald who told us this man was the most "principled" presidential candidate in the 2012 election?https://www.youtube.com/wat...
The SAME Libertarian Glenn Greenwald (of "The Intercept") who tweeted his approval for an armed, violent white supremacist militia [The Oath Keepers] comprised of former military and police who showed up to challenge the BLM next to Cliven Bundy and who terrorized blacks in Ferguson: http://thedailybanter.com/2...
The SAME Libertarian Glenn Greenwald of "The Intercept" who had been on a college tour promoting white supremacists to unsuspecting students?:
"The convergence of Glenn Greenwald and Rand Paul's Southern Avenger":/42436_The_Convergence_of_Glenn_Greenwald_and_Rand_Pauls_Southern_Avenger
The same Libertarian Glenn Greenwald of "The Intercept" fresh off an appearance at a Koch-sponsored Tea Party event named after a pro-lynching white supremacist Congressman? http://littlegreenfootballs...
The same Libertarian Glenn Greenwald who posted a defense of white supremacist Tom Tancredo? http://glenngreenwald.blogs...
"The Intercept" funded by Libertarian billionaire Pierre Omidyar? THIS GUY: http://pando.com/2015/02/28...(You'll note that all the actual journalists hired by this Libertarian outfit have already jumped ship.)
Need I continue as to why The Intercept is not our best source for objective reporting?
P.S. The Southern Poverty Law Center has been reporting on this since forever:
"Extremists in the Military A Longstanding Problem"http://www.splcenter.org/ge...
As has the DHS: "FBI: Right-Wing terror is real" [extemists infiltrating military and police departments]http://www.salon.com/2012/0...
Those extremists are Tea Party members... see the "Insurrectionism Timeline" (documenting right-wing domestic terrorism) compiled by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (2008 to present): http://csgv.org/issues/guns...
Those extremists are infiltrating government, with the help of Libertarian billionaires: "White Supremacist Stampede" http://www.thedailybeast.co...
Worse yet -- Zombie Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.
So, Outlaw Military Formation Gangs?
Sternly-worded letters containing sharp expressions of disapproval.
People attracted to using guns are not as picky about what the guns are used to do as some people like to think. That's why they tend to be attracted to military, police or gangs....and not necessarily in that order.
That's true! The Commie Bastard Repulsor Array (=CoBRA) in my good old Rheinmetall(tm) powered armor was really handy if you felt the need for a hot cup of tea in the field...and for a completely sterilized km² of ground, but omelettes, eggs and all that...
the outlaw bikers arent above the law like the wall street criminals are.
weren't all the biker gangs started by military men.
Marlon Brando?