DHS was created by Dubya and Chertoff and hasn't done anything but massive overreach and lots of harassment of Muslims. It completely ignores groups like the Patriot Front, III%, even armed neonazis like NSC-131 in New England.

Why does it still exist?

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Dissolve the agency anyway. Bush invention, horrible dystopian hick name, mostly harasses Brown people and ignores white supremacists.

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Same thing with a stake through the heart killing vampires. Duh! It kills everybody.

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It's almost like they have something against hardworking Americans.

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Also most of her supporters🤔

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Which is why Team Treason SNAFU’d the transition process, while OHJB got on with his bidness, still viewing the mechanism of govt through his rose-colored aviators. You’re right. There should have been a purge of Stalinesque proportions as Job One.

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Pirate game? You won't be alone. There will be dozens of other fans there. Fuck Ted Cruz.

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It seems like we would have all been better off if Biden had just fired everyone the previous guy hired on like his second full day in office.

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Well, when you serve at the pleasure of the president, and either the pleasure or the president changes...

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Ta, Liz. I really love having Carolyn Maloney as my congresscritter, and I really don’t want her to lose to Nadler because of the fucking New York Times.

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Biden was really stupid holding over any Drumpf motherfuckers. What a fuckup Mr. Joe!

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I'll be in my bunk.

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especially the SCOTUS

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I think so, which is the reason I really don't read the NYT anymore.

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