To be fair, they deserved it. Reichenthaler assured me.

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Even in my small circle of friends, I know 3 immunocompromised individuals.

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This is why I signed up for PutKare.

It covers everything but gravity.

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We have to pay great attention to local elections.

Soft underbelly.

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Knowledge is a disqualifying factor when running for office.

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That sort were definitely more common, though _that's_ a new one to me, lol

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Also, a LOT of people have pre-existing conditions that don't know about.... yet. Just because they haven't manifested yet (1 in 3 Americans is estimated to be pre-diabetic!!!) or have a genetic predisposition to be vulnerable to certain diseases (like you know, death by COVID) doesn't mean you do not have them. They just aren't documented yet.

"Generally healthy" is a snapshot in time - you are fine right now under specific conditions including those you aren't aware of. Change those conditions and "healthy" young fit people drop dead of COVID like we're seeing.

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Political scientists have decoded magats and classified them as the F. inglyre. This includes Ima, Ura, Weira, Thayer, Heza, Sheza and Uncle Fester.

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But he is pro-life dontcha know.

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The Andean countries seem to be genetically predisposed to react badly to respiratory infections (they have larger lungs than the rest of the world). When the Spanish barbarians brought influenza 90% of the population died. Now Peru has the highest COVID mortality in the world.

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"No, I DON'T know what you mean. Enlighten me".

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The problem is, as always, their definition of "reasonable."

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Dad developed asthma as a child, and thanks to the steriods he was on for it, he also got overweight. He co-parented 2 kids, worked as a firefighter and electrician in his younger years and as a respiratory therapist in middle age. He'd been retired for almost 2 years when he died at 68, of unrelated heart failure. Sounds like he had a very unproductive life, no?

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Saw a joke in a college bathroom stall once: "There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't"

(Mind this is the sum of my knowledge of binary in the computer-ish sense, lol)

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You know, when we said the Republican health care plan was “die quickly,” that was supposed to be hyperbole, not a challenge.

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