Any post-primary bloodbath within the wingnut wing of the GOP (spoiler: AOTK) is a good thing. My prediction hope is that a not-insignificant portion of the loser’s cultists will boycott the general election, which could help not only the senate race.

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Equal genius.

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The devil is MY bitch.

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Just make sure he's in there at the time.

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Yep! She was also possibly a mistress of another future president...LBJ.

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Dems have three no loose issues to run on. Stop the Repukes from abolishing American affordable healthcare, stop them from gutting Social Security and stop them from destroying Medicare. That will sell in blue collar and middle class PA and everywhere else. Plus it puts any Rethug candidate on their heels because these are scripture points to the Rethuglican agenda.

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Even if that's true - and as repulsive as this is to write - none of them have Trump's charisma. That torch in another's hands should be slightly easier to put out.

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I think the problem is when off-the-cuff statements make you sound like an out-of-touch elitist.

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They are both terrible and I try to avoid playing the “would be easier to beat” game, but if McCormick beats Oz, there is at least some precedent for Trump playing spoiler. McCormick lost to the Trump pick and the MAGA pick. And there’s a chance he couldn’t rally either group to the polls.

Oz will have Trump’s full support, as well as Fox News.

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I like Malcolm Kenyatta (full disclosure, I donated to his campaign because Pete and the Collective PAC asked me to) but shooting for US Senate was a bit of a reach. However, in Pennsylvania you can run in the primary for both a federal and a state office simultaneously, so he will go back to the state legislature (essentially unopposed: he beat the Republican sacrificial lamb by 90 points last time) and we will hear more from him.

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Yeah, Fetterman's will make him sound like a fighter, which will play well even in the redder parts of the state.

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That was McAuliffe. Fetterman might actually call a voter or questioner a jerk. But in general I'm not worried - I think that his authenticity is actually authentic and he is a very good Twitter troll. He would have fun batting Oz around like a squeaky toy between his giant paws. McCormick, though, has to be deftly cut off before he has a chance to normalize.

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One of my sisters lives in western PA and she likes Shapiro a lot. I think she voted for Fetterman, too, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.

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I'm hoping the same thing with Mastriano, that he's just too far right for PA. I heard on CNN earlier that Dems had been contributing to him, to try to get the looniest candidate for the general election.

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BEASLEY do a BEASELY diary!!!!

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Oh, good, because everyone knows an armed society is a polite society...unless the other guy is wearing bulletproof body armor.

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