The paleo diet, bringing us back to the days when infant mortality was over 50%

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Also pulled from the publishing list: Yummo, Yummo, Babby Chewy, Childcare the Natural Way by A. Dingo. We'll get that infant mortality rate above 50% or die trying.

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The crazy thing about this is that the real paleo diet would be breastfeeding your kid to age 4 or 5. Ok, it's not the only crazy thing about it. http://www.slate.com/articl...

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I think that we should wait till they are old enough to make an informed decision on their own before we start forcing our dietary ideologies on them.

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Yes, I suppose it is rather ethnocentric to call it lactose intolerance, since European and West African people are generally the only ones who retain the ability to digest lactose in adulthood. The aberration is the lactose tolerance ("lactase persistence") in societies with long histories of milk-drinking, not the inability to digest milk sugar, which is common in adult mammals.

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I think we've settled by now that if you believe something in good faith, its truth doesn't matter.

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OK, but there's no way I'm giving up Bailey's.

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Gah. I have two friends who are, right now, going through the chemo and radiation tango for brain tumors. What a piece of shit this woman is. (Oh, and worried about her privacy).

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The Hobby Lobby decision is proof positive of this.

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Pubic hair Libelz!!!!!!

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Neanderthals had pots? Well, sure, the weed variety but actual pots? Me no think so. More likely they put the good chef on a spit and threw him on the fire.

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Currently on Cheryl Tunt's top 10 list of baby shower gifts!

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I was very worried for a baby I never met, when I was in the checkout line at Whole Foods and heard the following:Young Blonde Mom dressed in height of fashion: "Is it safe to give soy milk to a baby?"Whole Foods Cashier with dreads: "Sure!"Who needs pediatricians, nurses, or dietitians, when the Whole Foods cashiers are so willing to give great advice on infant nutrition, free of charge? Plus they don't waste your time by asking how old your baby is, what other foods you give it, any known allergies, or any other health context information. Cashiers are definitely the ones with the answers.

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I could not be happier that the Paleo community has finally produced somebody who is not only doctrinaire, moronic, and dangerous, but is also a preening fame whore who craves attention and is completely oblivious to the damage his message is doing to his cause. The Paleo movement has its very own Sarah Palin.

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Yeah, I know, but I was in too much of a hurry to double-check my paleontology this morning.

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Infant Tartare libel!

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