Think of all the Political Science, History and Communications professors who will have to read dissertations, theses and endless end of semester papers on Sarah Palin's White House run and all manner of minutia associated with it. On the plus side, I fully expect Intro Psyc books to handle her ascendancy in ten years in much the same tone as they handle the Challenger disaster.

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To quote from blondesense: <i>Sarah Palin is like a serious, morbidly gruesome traffic accident with mangled bodies and wreckage splattered everywhere. ...<b>And don’t get me started on that shrill, high pitched Banshee-like screech, which causes dogs to cower in fear, that she calls a voice. Fingernails grating on a blackboard, screaming cats, babies bawling and smoke alarms pale in comparison and are more like the sound of snowflakes hitting the ground to that firehouse whine of hers. It’s hard to imagine someone living with that voice let alone hearing it in moments of passion. And it seems the crazier and more fanatic things she rants about, the higher the pitch until it’s nearly indistinguishable from a witches cackle. Sooner or later, camera lenses will shatter and microphones fail. Basic acoustics!</b> Sarah Palin is a joke foisted on us by John McCain and the media. She is that horrific accident along the road of life we all know we shouldn’t but can’t help but watch so we can secretly be able to tell our friends we were there when she once again made a complete ass of herself. And like a traffic accident and the fools who rubber-neck, it never seems to get old. </i>

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Everyone go back and re-read the Sarah Palin chapters in <i>Game Change</i> and then tell me how you think this thing ends.

(Spoiler warning: She quits before the first primary.)

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Yes, because he invented the Dept. of Homeland Security. Not the Republicans.

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<a href="http:\/\/sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net\/hphotos-ak-ash2\/hs566.ash2\/148874_169256419763594_100000377127280_444343_7875856_n.jpg" target="_blank">Also.</a>

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It's amazing how someone who can barely read still writes so many fucking books.

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It doesn’t take much to encourage Palin apparently. She’s just like the dog that is watching you eat. You know if you make any eye contact that puppy it’s going to think it’s getting a bite and start wagging its tail, jumping around and barking until you do. Don’t make eye contact Iowa!

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The most important thing in choosing a running mate is defying the conventional wisdom and showing how a real maverick thinks. So who is the last person people expect she would choose for her ticket?

I'm going with either Gilbert Gottfried or dark horse Kanye West.

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Tom Cruise.

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Idle hands are the devil's vibrating dildo.

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I think you just listed her cabinet.

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