<i>The President and Fellows of Dipshit University with the consent of the Honorable and Reverend the Board of Overseers, have conferred


The Degree of GOING FULL RETARD</i>

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You too? I tried to change the Wikipedia entry for Arabic numbers, so that after you get to 50, there are seven 'silent numbers' that aren't usually acknowledged, due to "Quantum Theory stuff that you all wouldn't understand."

How could that go wrong? Nobody really understands Quantum Theory, which only proves it is even more true!

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Who knew you could actually Go Full Retard, after all! As long as you have an army of cretins to clean up that pesky Wikipedia afterwards!

George Orwell had it so wrong. It doesn't take some big old Ministry of Truth building filled with history revisers working 24/7, you can accomplish so much with just one media whore and a small gang of fanatic idiots rolling around on mobility scooters.

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very very expensive underpants that she didn't pay for.

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After Paul Revere reminded the British that the Second Amendment would defeat them he also rang a bell for each of the Eleven Commandments.

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i TOTALLY thought of 'the second coming' when i read the wiki description. i love that poem...

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the boston squirmish.

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thus begetting the great chinese moon war.

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hence the right wing war on teachers unions.

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he won't. even the ORIGINAL author of the winter of our discontent has backed away from her.

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how very sad. some people spend their life's work in history. sarah palin makes it a political football.

snowbilly leaves a trail of destruction everywhere she goes.

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but! she used to be pretty!

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also i wish i could give you more 'p's' for that...

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Spread the word, Mr. G. Jah is real.

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and that allowing gay people to marry would ruin the family life in the U.S. Seriously, my daughter did not want to get out of bed this morning. I'm sure it's because some lesbians got married somewhere at that very instant.

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Imagine the diplomas awarded for a degree in ignorance. They would be signed in crayon.

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