$1 on St Marks. Why go to Rays?

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If Duh Guv'Nor had the sausage and pepperoni combo, that would explain the fire in her belly. Does it to me every time.

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Is there such a thing as cheap pizza in Manhattan?

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Weird. That's how I eat pizza. I thought it was part a neurotic compulsion I have to divide all my food in half, then half again until it's the width of three fork tines. But if Sarah Palin™eats pizza that way too, I must be a different kind of crazy.

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well, to be fair, she DID tell us about this:

<i>we’ll meet a lot of great Americans and then I’ll write about that... </i>

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And he negotiated the price. Here's the transcript:<blockquote>Excuse me. A dollar for a fuckin' slice. Are you kidding? I could open a place next to you and sell a slice for 85 cents. You'll be out of business and giving blowjobs in alleys for booze money in a week, you fuck! Now lower the fucking price you cocksucker!

Now Palin. What the fuck will you fucking have, you whore?</blockquote> Ladies and gentlemen ... the Aristocrats.

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k33p it REAL w/pitsa&T-rump;#wnktte jelus #SarahPalinUSA

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Did they have the creme brulee funnel cakes for dessert?

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"But enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do YOU think of me?"

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"Street pizza" is an excellent methaphor for Duh Guv'Nor. Herself.

Is this a new urban expression for what's left on the highway after a particularly messy wreck? In one of the photos I saw it looked like she hadn't buckled the strap on her brains bucket. That's a pretty good way to find out about Street Pizza...

PS: Watch that Grifter stuff!

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I’m guessing that Trump orders the pizza with lots of anchovies so he can have it all to himself.

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Remember when Bull O'Really? was surprised the folks up in Harlem were so polite and well-dressed and everything?

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That conversation had to be a narcissistpalooza.

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