Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's bid to trademark both her name and that of her daughter Bristol ran into trouble at the Patent and Trademark Office because the application forms were not signed, government records show.
Of course they didn't sign the forms. They would have to be paid for those autographs. [ Reuters ]
&quot;With a name like Sarah Palin, it&#039;s <i>got</i> to be good!&quot;
The dream of every trademark holder, of course, is for the brand name to become the generic term, like Jell-o, Kleenex, and Velcro. Hence: &quot;I swear I will never eat at that Indian restaurant again. I had the worst Sarah Palin of my life for the next five hours.&quot;
&quot;Hello, Berkeley Bear? This is Ginni Thomas. I was wondering when you&#039;re going to apologize for what you did all over my husband in the previous comment. Buh-bye.&quot;