Can you make a good jelly out of creeping Sharia? Cuz kudzu blossom jelly is pretty tasty.

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Stoli's too classy. Try Wolfschmidt.

(The M is silent)

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I often wonder if Pammy is smart enough to remember that it's 2016.

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The thought of creeping Sharia does seem to reduce some people to jelly... does that count?

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So's the d.

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Seriously, why would Hillary Clinton of all people want to bring Sharia law to the United States? Obviously Islamic theocracies where Sharia is implemented, women have it so good don't they? I'm guessing that Hillary is a "secret Muslim," just like Obama? Funny how he did nothing to help the "stealth Jihad / creeping sharia" take over America. Pamela Geller is at least as paranoid as she is bigoted.

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Pamela, Hillary didn't say she wanted to shut you down. She said you stink.

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can you annotate the parts of the email that show she's going to shut down Brietbart? my Trump glasses are malfunctioning again.

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It's a strange language with obscure rules of grammar.

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I loves me some Dead Milkmen!

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The country can't afford to shut down "make work" jobs for the mentally retarded and Hilliary is aware of this.

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is she scissoring with michele bachmann in that pic? it's the eyes.

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Well, she can't read, so someone read this to her.

And she doesn't speak English none too good, so someone had to translate it into her native German.

And still she manages to Bork it the fuck up.

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Except for the dykes, Indians and the Mexicans, this sounds like a typical GOP state convention.

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I understand that Flatass Juggs claims Hebrew heritage.

I'm waiting for someone to ask her how okay she is with removing halacha, Bet Dins and yeshivas from the country. You know, so that she's at least fucking consistent.

Just to see how she'd react.

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Her face obviously did that, and somehow collapsed in on her empty skull.

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