Which is a big reason why we need some genuine campaign finance reform.

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I kind of thought Domino's quality went up from where they were at 2006 at least up to 2012.

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Maybe Italian culture is just more conservative than ours. Than again, I'm not sure how many of the people behind those chains were Italian at all.

By the way, non of those pizzas are really "bad" in my opinion.

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Why should WE reward anyone who manages the epic task of retiring before they are physically and mentally crippled? said all the usual suspects over at the WSJ and down on Koch street.

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So her pregnancy is without complications- so far. I hope it stays that way, but there are a whole lotta problems with multiple gestation that develop nearer to due date- the biggest being 6 times more likely to deliver prematurely. That comes with its own set of problems for the babies. Having twins is exponentially more work than merely having two more kids. But I suppose as CEO she'll have all the help and support money can buy, including building a nice nursery right next to her office when her first child was born. I wonder if her "plan" exerts pressure on some Yahoo employees to feel as though they shouldn't or can't use the full 16 weeks paid leave they are granted?

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I don't suppose we want to know what that stuff is made from?

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Papa Johns: the Arby's of the pizza world.

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Hey, I just said AT LEAST IT ISN'T PIZZA HUT. Damn, doesn't that count for anything?

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Actually, the entire food service industry is rife with this kind of shit- crappy wages, overtime hours worked made to 'disappear', attending mandatory "team meetings" without pay, working off the clock, no benefits whatsoever...

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That's like saying "at least it's not the clap" because you have syphilis.

I just got the weirdest boner.

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Soylent American, mmm!

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Only had to walk funny for a week or so, right.

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Bet it would be one of those heads where the eyes seem to follow you wherever you go in the room.

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The bar for that was pretty low to begin with.

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