Pardon Me Madam, Would You Happen To Have Any Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial?
You want your WonkTV!
We’re going to get better about livestreaming hilarious things you want to see, like every time in Congress when Jim Jordan shits into his own hand (that happened once when I was falling in love with a handsome and noble silverback gorilla at the Santa Barbara Zoo, and he was falling in love with me; he shit into his own hand and, keeping soulful eye contact, lifted it to his nose and breathed in its sexy bouquet; and then I was not in love with the silverback gorilla), and “second example here I can’t think of right now,” and the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial, put on by the DEEP STATE LIBERAL MEDIA Republicans in the Texas Lege when they couldn’t stand another second of his decadelong crime spree.
“Going to get better” is Wonkette’s SOLEMN PROMISE of MAYBE, to you!
Sorry we didn’t think to livestream the first two days at you, but if you are a completist, you can see them here and here.
Good lord, Texas really is in a race to the bottom with Florida. All this shit and the billions (yes it's billions) they're investing in dangerous and cruel measures to prevent immigration.
That's billions that they could be putting into their supremely fucked up power grid and actually helping their citizens.
Wonketeers appear to be a demographic filled with weird zoo experiences.