Either one would be the held up mirror to these slimy vampires.

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Ginger, get the popcorn!

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Why do I want to get a close look at his decorations to get some idea of Gen. Bonkers' service record?

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Most spiders are more appealing than Mr. Jordan. Also more ethical and morally sounder.

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Oh, yes. SCIF. Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. A place that's secure against bleating, blabbing and leaks because it legitimately needs to be, in case for instance lying witnesses use leaks to get their lying stories straight. The thing that wingnuts and Republican reps keep calling "Adam Schiff's basement star chamber."Do these ignorant yo-yos even know what the original Star Chamber Court WAS?

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Except that the US military has a jaw-dropping rape problem so I don't believe that most or even many of the sex crime accusations are false.

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And even getting that disability stipend isn't easy. One of the subjects of the documentary The Invisible War had a damned hard time getting VA support for the effects of the shattered jaw she suffered while being raped. Like.. who the fuck in the year of our lord 2019 still believes in false rape accusations?

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I think the salamander picture is a very relevant comparison to Jim Jordan. I have no doubt that both ate their entire family as their shallow, stagnant birthing pools evaporated in the summer heat. The only difference is Jim got enough signatures on a petition to get on the ballot.

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It just occurred to me that there may not be a need to reopen Alcatraz to accommodate all the Russian stooges in the GOP (and their media auxiliaries). There are perfectly good camps, somewhat dilapidated since the Mariel Boatlift, that could be reopened. I hear the one in Montana is particularly nice this time of year. Maybe they could be employed shifting frozen gravel to look for Gold as in the Soviet Tradition of their current masters.

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I would say that most of the men in for sex crimes are guilty. I'm talking about the ones who are accused in the course of a nasty breakup or divorce...

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"Err.. Shit. I need to backpedal. Let me make up a really narrow qualifier and say THAT'S where all the false rape accusations are."

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Something something THE SIXTH AMENDMENT (does not work that way) something

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My scenario was meant to illustrate the difference between how Carolyn Kennedy versus San Diego billionaire Doug Manchester were moved through ambassadorship confirmation. To be clear, the it was the RNC that “fundraised” while Trump’s nom, Doug Manchester’s confirmation was stalled in the Senate.

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Good summary of the Sunday shows, so I don't have to watch. They've been dreadful for a long time, and finally there's some pushback. I certainly wish that Joy Reid or Rachel Maddow could have been host of these.

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Well, have you ever had too many beers while painting the spare bedroom? Then you have to sit on the floor in a corner waiting for the paint to dry? When your so finds out, you blame the can of paint? It's like that.

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She must have been too busy trying to pick her jaw up off the floor while contemplating her opponent's weekend fundraising totals.

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