Now this is an idea!

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Maybe it is a rum-soaked cake.

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Don't eat yellow cake.

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No, no. It's "You have a point their." That's a more common mistake then you'd think!

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“Free speech” for me, but not for thee.

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I like the "boarding house" as an analogy to the matter of free speech online.

The owner of the house sets certain rules for the boarders, and they are obligated to abide by them. If they are kicked out for violating those rules, it isn't "censorship"; they have no guaranteed right to be there.

And how liable is the owner for actions committed by the boarders?

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I am going to assume that Parler CEO John Matze's last name is pronounced MOTT-zee, as in rhymes with, uh, Potsie, because fuck that guy.

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Well, the code and the database contents.

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"Someone who seldom got mentioned in the media because they did their job well"

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Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

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If I may put in a positive note: The big military discussion is almost finished,and the soldiers are winning against "The Warriors". The generals are on board with Biden. The great fear of the military is not real. (I write with .mil folks from way back,just like Q...:-) )

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One of the best livebands ever! And hey,AntiFa is the best Satan since the Jews.We own the FBI.

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How hard could it be for someone to hack the Q account (on what platform, I'm not sure, so yeah, not gonna be me) and drop a real nice

"I was scamming you idiots from day one. Hahaha. I made n million $$$ off your stupidity. lol, just in it for the lulz. And oh yeah, it is and was an FBI honeypot. Bye bye."

Or something.

At one point the dude was trying to sell the handle. Some billionaire should buy it just to fuck with them.

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I’ve seen many strange things things in my life, taken note of odd coincidences, and wondered about unsolved historical and scientific mysteries. I know at least one person who was molested as a child. I’ve even shaken the hand of a guy who later turned out to be a serial killer and rapist. But it has never once occurred to me that all of these things are connected by a vast underground, international cabal of cannibalistic pedophiles and lizard people. How could I be so blind!

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