After a period of panic, soul-searching, anger, relief, and then a huge hangover following last fall's scrutiny of its fraternity system, the University of Virginia this week lifted its suspension of fraternity and sorority activities.
As a man I won't apologize for this idiocy (especially since I never fell into the idiotic greek trap myself), but I think a _part_ of the problem is that men get stupider in large groups. Then you add alcohol and a newfound lack of direct authority, and things get even worse. I have nothing but sympathy for the poor sorority girls who are then added to that environment with a bunch of peer pressure from other sisters to smile and conform no matter what happens.
So yeah, maybe the solution is to either allow parties to be hosted by sororities or to ban them in-house all together, and require they be held at alternate venues with 3rd party security paid for by all participating organizations, so their only motivation will be to keep everyone safe.
That and, of course, men should probably stop all the drugging and raping. Its particularly disturbing to those of us who are mostly turned on by intelligence in a lady (in addition to the usual physical attractions), rather than how we can put her into an altered/asleep state and do whatever we want with her.
<em>Ladies, if you don&rsquo;t leave your ladyhouse, you will be safe and you won&rsquo;t be raped, and this will be enforced by way of a mandatory slumber party.</em>
This sounds like the setup for a terrible 80&#039;s slasher movie. Just sayin&#039;.
<strong>UVA sexual predators:</strong> Guess we&#039;re stuck with townies and unaffiliated co-eds this weekend.
Get thee to a sorority!
As a man I won&#039;t apologize for this idiocy (especially since I never fell into the idiotic greek trap myself), but I think a _part_ of the problem is that men get stupider in large groups. Then you add alcohol and a newfound lack of direct authority, and things get even worse. I have nothing but sympathy for the poor sorority girls who are then added to that environment with a bunch of peer pressure from other sisters to smile and conform no matter what happens.
So yeah, maybe the solution is to either allow parties to be hosted by sororities or to ban them in-house all together, and require they be held at alternate venues with 3rd party security paid for by all participating organizations, so their only motivation will be to keep everyone safe.
That and, of course, men should probably stop all the drugging and raping. Its particularly disturbing to those of us who are mostly turned on by intelligence in a lady (in addition to the usual physical attractions), rather than how we can put her into an altered/asleep state and do whatever we want with her.
<em>Ladies, if you don&rsquo;t leave your ladyhouse, you will be safe and you won&rsquo;t be raped, and this will be enforced by way of a mandatory slumber party.</em>
This sounds like the setup for a terrible 80&#039;s slasher movie. Just sayin&#039;.