that would have been truly awesome (especially if he played it as "Troy McClure" starring)

btw, i totally agree with you about not liking it on Discuss Underground - if no other reason that the post is already closed so i can't reply to you there (or make fun the the white nationalist whose scared of Luis Farrakan)

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Oh that is awful, poor guy.

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I was too lazy to google it. I was trying to remember it. I will look it up.

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It was 1995, if memory serves.

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Yup. Murder-suicide. Such an utter tragedy :’(

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I hate every chimp I seeFrom chimpan-a to chimpanzee...

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Which is why I always post it! 😉

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I will never not upvote the Society of Cartographers for Social Equality.

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Lewis will have to go back to being a wannabe Limbaugh before Soucheray's afternoon show, like he was back in the mid 90's. I'm sure there are enough angry old white guys out in Roseville who will stop yelling at kids to stay out of the fucking rosebushes long enough to listen in.

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Some people do paint their ramps black with special paint that has sand mixed in it - the sand gives a gritty surface that provides traction. But I can't paint OR use rock salt until the deck and ramp are sealed, and I can't apply sealer until the wood dries out, and as it was just built last week, it will not dry out for at least 6 weeks, and this being winter I was advised by the contractor not to even attempt sealing the wood until Spring.

Rock salt does work, but it isn't good for the wood OR the grass around the ramp where it would be deposited after it is swept or washed off. I find using clay cat litter works fairly well - it is a dark color which absorbs sunlight and helps to melt snow and ice, and it provides very good traction and is more environmentally friendly.

The problem with cat litter is you can't use it until it has stopped snowing, otherwise you just keep removing it with the snow shovel every time you shovel new snowfall.

The heated mats are the best solution, but they aren't cheap. They come in 5' lengths and can be linked together, and my ramp is 21' long plus an 8' deck, so I need 6 of them at $200 each. Yikes! That is beaucoup bucks.

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Think hot parking lot surfaces in the summer.

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what about painting it black-----black surfaces absorb more energy in the sun and re-radiate it as heat. Also, throwing down rock salt to lower the freezing point of the salt and melting it?

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Fingers crossed!

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I did not remember that. By his wife?

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Does this surprise anyone? The Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington Cemetery isn't about him. Why would he want to attend?

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We fucking cheated as hard as we could and we lost.They must have cheated.Of course they only say the second line out loud.

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