The implication that humans fighting in a ring have no agency comes from comparing it to cock fighting, since the roosters don't choose to fight, they are forced to.

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I didn't read the comment as implying there was no agency, just that it was violent..

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I didn't read the comment as implying there was no agency, just that it was violent.

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It will be awful if I have to go work in an office. He will be so sad.

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I know :), I'm just trying to explain why others did read it like that.

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My office regularly reached 83° F. It was not all bad, since it discouraged il fratelli from entering.

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I think that is the idea, but to me all it means it that extrenme assholes get to beat the living shit out of each other for money.

If they started doing the stuff they do on any street in the country, they'd both be hauled to jail post haste (but probably asked by the cops if they want to join).

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I like being ridiculously short, because when I take off my pants, my penis looks ridiculously huge.

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But I'll bet he will be extra happy when you get home!

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Jeez, you likely don't live in a red state or the judge would've likley jailed you for comtempt and would not let you out until you retracted your statement.

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No I live in sunny SoCal with old style law and order Republican Oldz in the jury pool. The judge was ticked off but they were furious

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This cat is NEVER happy. At best he is "not grumpy."

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FB commenter Nathan VanHouten NAILS it.

"Thank you for your forced participation in our new Get Fucked Program for Innovative Violations of Constitutional Rights. We understand there are challenges in your life that may have had an impact on your criminal history, and we've determined the biggest challenge you're facing is a lack of our dicks in your face. Don't worry, we're here to help you by showing up at your house and randomly beating the shit out of you for holding a cell phone which is clearly mistakable for a gun. Oh yeah, fuck your dog too, lol.

We also shared your information with the NSA so you're on the terrorist watchlist and analysts are sharing your nudes with law enforcement agencies throughout the country.

Nice mole.

We hope that by criminalizing your every move that we will fill our contractual quota of prison seats that we've signed with GEO Group so we can afford to buy cool military toys that will make us feel manly so we don't have to keep beating our wives."

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Since were talking juries, I served on a jury as an altrenate. They case was about an adult having sex with an underage teen. Right away I had an issue with this because I had seen this girl where I worked a number of times and seen her flirting with men. And I did not know that she was so young - she looked like an adult to me. So I went in and talked to the DA and told him that I felt that might affect my judgement, even as I know it was still wrong, but he said that didin't matter.

As it turns out, the man who was with the gitl had essentially given her to him by brother, who clearly knew her age, and who ultimately turned the perp in. While it was not mentioned, I suspect that the brother got mad at the friend for some reason and that was hos way of getteing back at him.

Meanwhile, no jurors left or got sick so I was excused and never go to help give the verdict. I would, of course found him guilty, and did the jury.

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Meanwhile, their murder clearance rate is like 5%.

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