UT! Is an impostor!

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Yeah? Well I will undermine that by allowing users to answer security questions like, "what is your pet's name?" and "what is the name of the company you work at?"

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Crosscheck must hire all the IT people that have been fired for gross incompetence elsewhere. Seems like Kobach chose the best company equal to his own ineptitude.

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"May your day be blessed?" Go fuck yourself, I don't want your blessings you ratfucker

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they really are so fucking stupid, it's quite amazing

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Thanks, $5F. Just when I thought I couldn't be more disgusted with this maladministration, I am.

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There are lies, and there are damned lies. Then there are statistics.

Statistically, Republicans don't understand statistics (or data privacy issues). So I am sticking to my story, at least for the purpose of this letter.

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Seems that once upon an early email scandal, I heard her rationale was exactly that: that her server had better security than what the government was able to provide at the time.

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Oh that's pretty cool. I've been relying on l33t$p34k and sometimes foreign phrases.

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Sid&MartyKrofft libelz! Banana Splits was stupid, Pufnstuf was freaking psychedelic (to my 10yo mind). I often compare the Boosh to it, when trying to explain it to befuddled 'murricans.

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Almost seems like Kobach's commission is openly trying to serve this collected data UP to the Russians...you know, help them out a little

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I liked both, though I think that Pufnstuff's Sigmund and the Seamonster was probably the beginning of the end of the traditional Saturday morning cartoon lineup.

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..................FTP is not a secure protocol. FTP traffic is unencrypted and unauthenticated. It can be intercepted, spoofed, modified easily. Perhaps more importantly, credentials are sent in plain text. There's more issues with FTP too because it's old as shit and from a time before information security was even a thing. Are there secure file transfer protocols? Yes there are! One of them (SFTP) is even mentioned by the email in the Indivisible CHI NW tweet.

Likewise, emails are also insecure. Emails are sent unencrypted. If you are sending confidential information you either use something like PGP to encrypt the email or you send the confidential information as an encrypted attachment and send the password over a separate channel (i.e. call them up and say here is the password).

It's fucking amateur hour over there.

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I remember that, and how some of us who agreed were branded as dull-witted Hillarybots. It's not that I trust Hillary's IT guy is necessarily a genius; it's just far simpler to secure a system that one person accesses than one that serves thousands of users with varying security needs.

I also remember people crowing about how Hillary's SSL was not signed by a Certificate Authority and how that proved what a loser she was. Then they discovered the State Department's SSL certificates weren't signed by a CA either, and they shut up pretty damn quick. Here is the deal, I would guess: if you let some outside entity generate your SSL key / certificate pair, it introduces the possibility of your key getting into the wrong hands, so it's better to use a self-signed certificate.

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Our language can't even keep up with the rapidly mutating Trumpian Republicans.

They're inventing unheard of combinations of vicious and stupid that defy definition.

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Did you know Mayor McCheese was once sued by H.R. Pufnstuff? It went all the way to the 9th circuit appeals court. No, really.

Both lands are governed by mayors who have disproportionately large round heads dominated by long wide mouths. They are assisted by "Keystone cop" characters. Both lands feature strikingly similar crazy scientists and a multi-armed evil creature. It seems clear that such similarities go beyond merely that of the idea into the area of expression.


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