This guy, I'd hope.

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Note: before punching Jebus into a smart-alec, judge first if said smartypants is bigger/smaller than you. It makes a difference inyour approach, just sayin'.

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I look forward to "Ben" coming forward to talk to the media. I'm wondering if the concept of "treat others as you you would have them treat you", and all those other Jeebus lessons, got punched into him, or if maybe he detected a wee bit of hypocrisy in Rev. Damnation.

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Hey! I resemble that remark!

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<strike>Creeping Sharia</strike> Creepy Christianist.

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So, George Zimmerman is actually an evangelist?

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This guy and Mike Huckabee apparently went to the same seminary.

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Because I accidentally walked into a coffee shop with Faux on the teevees this morning, my IQ may not be what it was, but I'm Dammanned if I can figure out how punching a kid leads him to Jeebus.

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If you preach 'Muscular Christianity' it seems a waste not to use your muscles.

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I think I'd only get led to the Lord by way of fists if it involved Pastor Bad, Naughty Zoot.

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Thats some of that Earnie Angely shit right there I seen that old fool crack a poor kid upside the head to heal him from being deaf, yelled heal and busted the kids ear drum for good

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And five is right out, as anyone who's tried it could tell you.

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I'm sorry you had to do that. That's not how it's supposed to be.

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In 10 years of Catholic school (late 50s to late 60s) I never saw anyone get a smack for being insufficiently reverential during Mass. (A stern lecture afterward was the usual consequence.) Now if the offense involved being insufficiently respectful of the Sister, well that was a different matter...

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I never got that particular method of correction from authority figures. Just from my friends and classmates.

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If he was Catholic he would have become an altar boy. That's what they did with the truly incorrigible ones.

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