<blockquote>Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League have invoked the Holocaust, with Hier charging the U.S. and Britain failed to rescue the Jews in 1942. </blockquote>

As with much of Pat Buchanan's noxious emissions, this one had me thinking "what the flying fuck is that walking slime mold talking about now?"

Of course putting Buchanan's words into Teh Googlez only spits back the bazillion hellpits reposting Buchanan's nastygram.

I can only imagine he's referring to Hier's role in the production of a <a href="http:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Against-Tide-Richard-Trank\/dp\/B006C07UJG" target="_blank">documentary</a> about Peter Bergson.

And <em>of course</em> Buchanan conveniently elides the details of Romania's 1942 offer of transport to safety for Romanian Jews if someone would pay them the cost.

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Freedom donors.

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It's never been a question for me.

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Has it come to this – U.S. soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen as the mercenaries of sheikhs, sultans and emirs, Hessians of the New World Order, hired out to do the big-time killing for Saudi and Sunni royals?

Wasn't that what the First Gulf War was for? Or Was it because Bush the Elder was buds with the Royal Family? Yeah, that was the one.

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At least you're monochromatic. I'm a mutt with every color except white.

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Will we have to attack Lebanon to get the cedar cheese?

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The enemy of my enemy...

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They're all Semites, remember.

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And all those Stormfront dollars.

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Good thingy only 1/7 of the Syria folks is Jeebussy or ole Pat would be pointen all the blames on Obammy just dewin war there to kill Cristan folks.Him and the teabag wearin people just not sure what to make of him dewin war agin Muslins killin his own kind and all just makes no smartness whatever,course with it beein so fur away who really nose he might be juss covern up and really is killin Cristans

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He was only Joshing.

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The Bilderberg Conspiracy?

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One of those rhetorical ones, like "Do bears Pope in the woods?"

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'Hessians of the New World Order' is my new favorite meme.

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You know how sometimes you don't know if someone is still alive, and then some news article comes out about them, and you are vaguely disappointed?

Yeah. That.

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Side Note: Reading Molly Ivins in our local alt-weekly was one of the key steps in my transformation from entitled-middle-class-white-republican to washed-out-orange-pixelated-liberal.

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