Pat Robertson: the Mr. Rogers of hateful, fear-mongering Christian broadcasting. You just want to pinch his flabby cheeks, don't you? Admit it.

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Yes. With votes.

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Not my place to say whether some one is or is not a Christian. I wish this person well and a safe passage through this life.

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Mho is better....

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Thanks, but yes he is definitely observing Christian. Church all day every Sunday, retreats at least once a year, etc etc.

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Robyn! I'm shocked at you!

How DARE you not think of Peter O'Toole often? Your penance is one The Stunt Man, two My Favorite Years and a The Ruling Class.

REPENT! Or, verily, I shall assign unto thee Supergirl.

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I fucking love The Ruling Class! When I feel put upon, I often pretend to have a cross of my very own. Sometimes I try to climb it. This is disturbing to my co-workers, btw.

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You could pop by Canada sometime. It's not all gone but we have less of this BS.

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Way to go, 700 Club. The one time Pat Robertson actually says what he means without fucking it up, you have to shoot him down.

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Well, they all did know he was going to shoot up the place and didn't say anything.

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...and don't drink a lot of water while you're waiting.

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It's situations like this that make me envy the believers. There is something satisfying to imagine Pat Robertson showing up for his eternal reward only to then learn that he got it all completely wrong and will be spending eternity in torment.

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Yeah, well, there are plenty.

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But you just did.

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I don't think anyone's asking for your help.

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