you gotta remember, these are people who proudly label themselves sheep

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just another tool for the ongoing grift

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Now that's just hurtful.

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Listening to The Christian Channel while banging your head against the wall. The two are inseparable.

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Jesus saves! But Moses nails the rebound!

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He has, hasn't he? I'm sixty-five, and as far as I can recall, Pat Robertson has always been old. He may have been old before I was born.

How does he do that?

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The Parable of the Marks.

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Good question. What is the opposite of a miracle?

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Miracle it good!

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Miracles = Badly or not-at-all documented.

Be scientific. I don't know of one with even marginally convincing evidence, but you have to have an open mind.

Lots of people were pretty sure that the "EPR paradox" would kill QM, and now we've seen indisputable "spooky action at a distance". Don't underestimate the universe.

[Disclaimer: I'm mostly atheist, maybe a little Deist. I know enough physics to know that nobody really knows what's up with the Big Bang. The odds of a big white-bearded sky-daddy are immeasurably small.]

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You know, morons.

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Actually, magnets are pretty tricky. We can describe <i>how</i> they work, but the "why" tends to dissolve in electron spin. It's possible that the whole universe is contingent.

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I'm thinking the G-R-I-F-T Lady league.

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God's been pissed since at least the Tower of Babel/

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What, you think they can find a brain to map in Pat Robertson? That's pretty optimistic.

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