Cocaine can still be found in usa?

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Dunno. I live in Canada. Maybe cocaine is now like ketchup and all dressed chips and Coffe Crisp chocolate bars

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I admit it is entertaining to watch Pat completely befuddled by the idea of someone showing compassion for others, even when there's no personal benefit in it for them.

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Dear Pat and the horse you rode in on: fuck you, you fucking fuck. P.S., same to you, Georgia legislators who are calling for a veto. Oh, and also too, I just lurrvved Gov. Deal's excellent explanation of how Georgia is such a loving, open and inclusive state, at least to those businesses who would have walked had he signed HB757. Of course, green is a color everyone can stand up for.

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Congress wouldn't cut short their vacations to stop a killer asteroid heading straight toward Earth, so it'll be interesting to see if the threat of a homosexual invasion will be enough for one of the "laboratories of democracy".

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My father always admired Liberace because he was so nice to his mother.

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Moses supposes his toeses . . . Sorry. Wrong movie.

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Ah wanderer come back. We have an all new indoctrination "museum" right next to the aquarium.

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And you can imagine how successful that revolution will be after President Trump appoints at least one, possibly two Supreme Court justices for up to a conservative 6-3 majority for the next generation.

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And it's pretty obvious what's on Pat's mind.

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I will be surprised if they don't waste Georgia's money to meet and successfully override the governor's veto. Then take their turn after N. Carolina watching the courts shut it down.North Carolina attorney general says he won't defend transgender bathroom law"Attorney General Roy Cooper, a Democrat who is running for governor this year, on Tuesday called the measure shameful and unconstitutional. It requires transgender people to use bathrooms that match the gender on their birth certificate rather than the one with which they identify."http://www.reuters.com/arti...

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Italian sword and sandal genre. Muscle men in loincloths. Babes in gauze for the rest of us. Equal opportunity on the big and little screen.

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I'll have to go back up there, then. Hmm. Maybe to celebrate Sherman's burning of the city.

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I shall not choose poorly.

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Well, apart from that awful Frank Millar comic and the movie based on it.

Also, The Purge was based on something that really used to happen in Sparta - the graduation ceremony for the military academy that all the young citizen men attended was a 24-hour pro forma declaration of war against the serf population, meaning that to graduate you pretty much had to go hunt and kill you a serf or be mocked as a girly-man.

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The return of the repressed: no taboo without its relaxation. Homophobic authoritarianism is ALWAYS extremely gay. They give with one hand so they can take with the other.

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