From the Wikipedia which confirms that Pat's brain is stuck in 1961..

"Due to his perception that children with Down syndrome shared facial similarities with those of Blumenbach's Mongolian race, Down used the term mongoloid.[43][98] While the term "mongoloid" (also "mongolism" or "mongolian imbecility") continued to be used until the early 1970s, it is now considered unacceptable and is no longer in common use.[99] In 1961, 19 scientists suggested that "mongolism" had "misleading connotations" and had become "an embarrassing term".[99][100] The World Health Organization (WHO) dropped the term in 1965 after a request by the Mongolian delegate.[99]"

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Um, where can you buy "trashing a hotel room" insurance? Asking for a friend ...

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I thought Southerners were against unions.

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Paddle faster, I hear banjo music!

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No one has told Pat yet that this world is his hell where he is condemned for all eternity to say stupid shit.

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Shouldn't that be plural?

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