1. If you have to ask ....

2. Even I know a couple. It's like there was some kind of Diaspora.

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If you want to understand Biblical prophecy read Acts 3:24. Peter was speaking to his contemporaries not to our generation. He states that "all the prophets" which would include the "Prophet, Priest, & King", Jesus, prophesied of the events that were happening to them at that time. Revelation was not written in the 90 ad's. It would be obvious to even a blind man that if it was written after the destruction of the temple in 70 ad, then surely John would have mentioned it. John even states that he is going through tribulation with those he was writing to. They were in the tribulation time. Revelation was written prior t0 70 ad. If you want a better grasp of true Bible prophecy read Last Days Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church by Gary Demar. Do not embarqe on mocking the Bible because of "little boy in the sandbox" false teachers. There are no prophets today. John was the last prophet. The end of Gods word was sealed with the end of Revelations. There will be no new revelation. We need no more. What man needs to do is study true history with "true" knowledge of the Bible and eliminate their racist tendencies. God is no favorer of nations any longer. There is neither Jew, nor Greek, nor Gentile. He favors those that are willing to be led by Him, regardless of ethnicity.

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Bourbon'll do that to ya.

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I was raised Christian until Pat, Jerry Foulwell and Jimmy Swaggert talked us out of it.

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So all that's necessary for the End Times is for shit to go down soooo bad in Egypt that they all turn Jewish? Pat, please hold your breath waiting.

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Hmm, would the 24 virgins promised to suicide bombers be wild honeys ?

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There's another dreadful family with a name ending in 'ian'. Their plan for world domination appears to involve reality TV and the gossip columns.

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It's a little more obtuse than "shearing the gullible".

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Yeah, Jaysus is starting to sound like a husband who went out for a pack of smokes in 1972 and ain't back yet.

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The contortions they go through to explain away that prediction are pretty amazing.

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You keep using this word, "prophecy". I do not think it means what you think it means.

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I prefer Grog and Mo' Grog.

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Look, this is the dude who "hardened Pharaoh's heart" so Pharaoh wouldn't give in after the first few plagues, so God could kick his ass some more and get more glory.

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Or Bob Ross on PBS.

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Pat owns the station so they can't get rid of him.

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A really useful god that could foresee the future would have told us about penicillin. Also Hitler.

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