Someone else asked, and I wonder, what happens when the Israeli right and the American right meet up? Do they joke about the whole "just using you to bring about the End Times" thing, or is it one of those things that everyone knows and very carefully avoids mentioning?

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How sure are we that the Fundagelicals aren't some kind of unusually subtle and long-term smiting aimed at the rest of us?

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I always figured hell would adopt the gacha model. Is that why I have so much trouble with dating: they've made Fornication a SSR and I keep pulling the N Lustfulness?

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The fact that Pat Robertson is still alive gives proof to the statement that only the good die young.

Because that POS is still alive and he’s, like, 100.

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Well, if we're going to attack them, let's stop giving them $$$ and weapons, okay? Makes sense to me.

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I thought it was the usual dementia + drugs.

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Ah yes- Thanks! Good to knoe.

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Fair to middling as usual, How's things in Foreign Lands?

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Hey, I just realized that the plain reading of this whackass passage in The Book of Revelations is actually God warning us that global warming is satan's plan and we must stop it. It might work.

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The Israeli's probably say to themselves (in a language right wing evangelicals don't understand, which is AOT,K) "These fucking idiots" and then laugh and take their money.

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Interesting, unfortunately. It's more than a little nerve wracking when Russia is on the move. Not necessarily expecting anything untoward, but we live less than 10km from Ramstein Air Base which has been plenty busy of late.

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That would be loud and nerve wracking. I worked under the flight path for MiraMar when it was still a naval base and that was not so much fun. Let's hope this can get settled peaceably and soon.

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That's it! The debate is over.

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People who believe they are personally compelled by God are generally out of their minds.

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An invention of some US of A preacher in the 1800s, iirc.

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