You buried the lede. The fact that the one Democrat was denied a visa should have been grounds for the whole thing to be cancelled - regardless of all of the other reasons.

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breaking news my dude: you can care about more than one thing at once. shocking, but true.

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Colloidal silver may not be as great as it's touted for curing human ailments -- but it absolutely is effective to deter ghouls, who have been erroneously confused with werewolves in this respect, and others. Listen, I just wrote and revised a horror novel which features ghouls, and I did some of my research in Sabine-Gould's BOOK OF WERE-WOLVES. I'll maintain anywhere that it's higher quality than any research of Red Pill Expo's.On further consideration, maybe that's not so much to brag about ...

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Quoth the Craven: Evermore 😱😱😱

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Gravity is a hoax.

Do you have an address I can send my invoice to?

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The only allies the neo-Confederates have that they'd want to, actually, associate with are Russians. The others are bat shit crazy. They'll need a place to go to after we take back Congress and start the trial for TREASON (remember kiddies, that's the only crime specified in the Constitution that also includes the death penalty and despite my general opposition to said penalty, I'll happily make an exception for these craven fucks).

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I read the court document. This place is "treatment center" being run like an old timey mental asylum. Run by the same company that ran one where 4 kids had died before their license was yanked, and those weren't undocumented children. The only real reason they got in trouble was that they didn't have the parents' permission.

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Renewables are the future, $5F.

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I'm glad to hear that Alabama is finally moving away from whale oil for power.

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That bed in encased in a plexiglass case, like the Hanoi restaurant table Obama and Bourdain ate at.

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Soviet America

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They're trying to avoid Putin's version of "asylum" by making the trip.

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They're scouting out the dachas for when the Trump family flees to exile.

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Even better than Capitalists - white, conservative, Christian, gay-hating, Muslim-shooting capitalists.

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I preferred to go full Kurt Vonnegut, and hope that gravity is a variable.

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also they hate gays and weaklings, and russian women know their place

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