That explains the rash of wrong-way driver incidents during that decade.

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Well, they should like the Scottish saltire, since it's the model of the Confederate battle flag.

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China's definitely not Communist anymore (Cuba and North Korea are the only ones that might count, I think (don't quote me on that)). In fact, I think many wingnuts might like the system China is operating in now (once they look past the Communist label): capitalism as long as you don't bother the government, horribly lax environmental standards, barely any tolerance for dissent, rampant corruption, etc.

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Scotland? Scotland!!!?

Those people don't wear anything under their clothes.

Family values or GTFO!

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Just wait until these All American Patriots find out about this place called "Walmart"...


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I do believe the jury returned with that verdict some time ago. Unfortunately, The Supremely Dense Court decided to set it aside and render a different judgement.

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- The rest of *sane* America. FIFY.

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Note to trolls complaining that other nations' flags can never ever ever be displayed at the same height as Old Glory:

"When national flags of other countries are flown in a group setting, each flag must be displayed from a separate pole of the same height. Each flag should be the same size or nearly so. They should be raised and lowered simultaneously because the flag of one nation may not be displayed above that of another nation. "

-- The National Flag Foundation

Of course, the Flag Code itself is contradictory on the question, as noted at http://www.ushistory.org/be...

While section 7g says,

"When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace."

Section 7c also includes references to other flags "at the same level as" the U.S. flag, but also includes the contradictory dictate that

"No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof..."

It is truly a riddle of Talmudic proportions. In practice, the convention is for all national flags to be displayed on separate poles at the same level, and for hyperpatriots to cite only section 7c of the Flag Code in their condemnation of perceived slights to The Holy Flag.

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... oh, it's English all right. But as jmk points out, it ain't Amurkin. It is, however, a concept that GOtP cretins seemingly cannot grasp. Do they ever preface anything they say with... "it's my understanding..."?

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Here at Passover time, we of the Tribe have particular sympathy for peoples who are oppressed and have their liberty taken away. Rise up, nation of Washington State! Part the Columbia River, grab some Matzoh (half-price at Safeway right now) and escape before they force you to build pyramids!

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The US flag should be on the flag's right.

Edit: Easy to tell if it's on a wall or a stage; harder in the open.

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Strictly speaking, that's just for the other nations' flags.

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... brainwashing mandatory (it's how they got into a lather in the first place).

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... totally unhinged because the screws came loose long ago.

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Hahaha crazy Americans, you do not know it's too late! Stealth invasion has begun, in every Wal-Mart's shelves!

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... this one? (and no, you're not wrong)

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